News Scrapbook 1986

Rancho Santa Fe, CA (San Diego Co.) Rancho Santa Fe Times (Cir. W. 500)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

NOV 131986

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sdoy, November 13, 1986 Rancho Santo Fe Times - Arch

~.SOU:Okgollnlon D-9 USD signs ;2.. J ':5: 5 . a pair 1n basketball The University of San Diego bas- ketball teama'nnounced yesterday the signing of Keith Colvin of Chico and John Sayers of San Jose to let- ters of intent. Colvin, a 6-8, 210-pound forward, averaged 14 pointl and 10 rebounds in his junior season at Chico High School and was selected first-team East Athletic League. Sayers, a 6•7, 200-pound forward, averaged 15.7 points and 7.8 rebounds Loeal Briefs last season at Bellarmine College Prep in San Jose. He was named most valuable player of the Bellar- mine Prep tournament. PREP TENNIS 3A QUARTERFINALS Mt. Carmel 5, Mira Mesa 1 - Evonne Arinduque's 6-0, 6-0 victory over Brittany Ehrlich in No. 1 singles led the Sun Devils over the visiting Marauders. Vista 5, Monte Vista 2 - Laura Richards defeated Deanna Jezer 6-1, 6-0 in No. 1 singles and Janette Jose beat Emily Jones in No. 2 singles 6-0, 6-3 to lead the host Panthers over the Monarchs. Henry 7, Hilltop O - Susan Hawke's 6-0, 6-0 victory in No. 1 sin- gles belped the host Patriots over the Lancers. Valhalla 5, Sao Dieguito 2 - The doubles team of Allison McBride and Kristin Dean led the visiting Norse- men over the Mustangs. 2A QUARTERFINALS La Jolla Country Day 6, Mar Vista 1 - Robin Chatman beat Yasmin Geissler in No. 1 singles 7-5, 6-1 and Nadine Hyde defeated Angie Wycoff in second singles to lead the host Torres over the Mariners. La Jolla Country Day, in its first year of com- petition, will visit defending champi- on La Jolla today at 2:30 p.m. University 6, Hoover 1 - Tofoi Yandell defeated Betty Wong 6-2, 6-4 m No. 2 singles to lead the host Dons past the Cardinals. Coronado 6, Crawford 1 - Shamen Dugger defeated Liz McDonald in No. 1 singles to lead the visiting Islanders to a victory over the Colts.

What caused the various cultures to roam the San Dieguito area? Evidental 1 ly, when herds moved west away from the drying inland valleys the hunting and gathering clans followed the animals to the wetter coastal regions. It was these animals - woolly mam- moths, wild boars and saber-toothed ti~ gers - that were hunted with the projec- tile spears found today. Fragments of mammoth teeth have been found and dated in the North County area, allowing scientists and archaeologists to dif- ferentiate between many types of wild animals that lived thousands ofyear ago, possibly as recently as 5,000 years ago. The Rancho Santa Fe Historical Socie- ty videotaped Moriorty's lecture and slide presentation. For those who missed the meeting, the videotape will be avail- able for viewing through the society. Of further interest, is a 20-minute film due to be released soon, produced by Michael Humblett, highlighting Osuna adobe homes, both in restored and un- touched form, in the Rancho Santa Fe area. The historical society can provide further information on these films.

The method allows for dating organic living matter, such as charcoal, and de- termining its age by analyzing its rate of decay Scripps Institute of Oceanogra- phy was instrumental in conducting much of San Diego County's carbon datin~. In 1960 Monorty and colleague Roger went back to the Harris site in Rancho an a F to t aC'e the '20s dig. Though they were unable to find any organic dateable material there, they did find some not far from the property similar to Roger's original findings. What they found marked a giant leap in history Up to this point two cultures were known to have roamed the San Diego area the h storical Dieguefio Indi- ans and the La Jollan Indians dating back 7,000years before the present-the oldest recorded evidence of civilization in San Diego County. In stepped UCLA scientist Claude Warren, y, ho dug up the Harris site once again He succeeded in finding dateable material and topped the current record. He determined a date of 9,030 (plus or

turn. out, the San Dieguito River Valley became a unique site for several impor- tant d1 ·coverie . Jame. Moriorty, Ph.D., a profe sor of archaeology at the Univer ity of San D1c~o for the past 20 year , talked about the h1 torical importance ofRancho San- ta e and s ow shd of local di at the historical society's second annua l meeting Sunday. s related by Moriorty. the San Dieguito culture was discovered in the 1920s by archaeologist and geologist Mal- colm Hoger in Rancho Santa Fe on prop- rty owned by the Harri· Family. The prt>viously unknown culture wa named fo1 th1c river valley where it was found . Where the steep rocky canyon opens into t he San Dieguito River, Rogers found classical "caveman" type arti- fact : proJectile points up to eight inches long composed mainly ofgreen felsite At that time Rogers had no way of accurate- ly dating the handmade tools which were unique in hape and structure. Little interest wa given to the re- corded findings until the late '50 · when


San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

NOV 13 1986


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Lemon Grove, CA (San Diego Co.) Lemon Grove Review (Cir. W. 2,884)

Plan~ingj;ommission To Consider Balboa f ark, Blackhorse Changes By ANDREW KLESKE .'i,1aDi,10D,w_. Tran, mpt ~taHWnt, r The que8tion of what to do with the Naval Hospital site to be reccived from the Navy m return for 35.9 acr m Florida Canyon present or prospective use for the road. Vacation would normally allow the development of 14 resi- dential units on the property but th e adJoining property 1s regulated by an existing conditional use permit for the University of San Diego campu The planning de-

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Ocean Mission Pacific Beach News (Cir. 2xW. 21 ,600) ov 13 1986

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San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Clalremont Linda Vista


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Star News (Cir. 2xW.)

rue' o Aid op Club j..~S'> Hank Egan, head basketball coach for the University_ of Sa[! Dlcio, has announced a ne,viy'"""Tt,nred bocstrr club: Torero Bl ue. Torero Blue was formed by a group of loca l businessmen to he 1 p raise additional funds to support l "SD basketball. Fu nds raised through the prog J m \\ill help enhance and impro\ e USD's DiYision I bas- ketbaT! program. Group members include: Tom Palmtag ( Gell.!?ra! Man- ager of Coast Distributing Company ln San Diego\, Dr. William P. Curran (Physi- cian), Tho'Tlas Burke (USD ,·ice Pre,; ident of Student Af. fairs l, John Trifilleti CUSD Director of SJl{'eial EYents), Edward LaP!ount (Lawyer), Ted Peterson (Commercial Real Estate, John Prunty !Cer- tified Public Accountant) and Guy Ricciardulli

goes before the City of San Diego Planning Commission again today. But th comm1ss10n's recom medat1on may be postponed again. " pl11 ing d p Ttment staff w II ·k L"Ont1 uat10n of the 1t m until Dec 11 to provide additional time to comp! te an analysis of alter- nut1v and prospective uses. ProJJQSals for various degrees of retent10n of the existing buildings have come fr m the Naval Ho pita! Ad Hoc Comm1tte of the Park and Recreation Board, The Park and Recreation Bo.trd, The Hi toncal Site Board, the mayor's office, the planning department and the city manager's office with no two pro- posals uhke. Also today, the comm 1 ion \\ ill vote on 1nitrnt1on of an amendment to the Bl ckhorse Farms specific plau re id ntial element, located Within th boundaries of the La Jolla commumty plan, to decrease the res1dcnt1a! intensity of a 13.55 acre property on North Tur- rey Pines Road from 206 units to 121 units Th planning d part- mcnt 1s r !Commending 1mtiation. Biggs Engine ring, as an agent for the University o( s 8 ., Di go, 18 reque ting th v c t10n (removal) of un unnamed trcet parallel to Linda Vi ta R ad There is no


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NOV 13 1986

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binhood Home iii requesting direction from th commission on developmg approximately 850 s1ni;le and multi-family units, an elementar¥ school and a neigh- borhood park on Otay Mesa, east of Interstate 805, and review of the propo d Robinhood Ridge precis,> plan. The planning department recommends provision of direction and coordination with Chula Vista 1n the review proce1>s. The commission's second of three planned public hearings for the University Community plan up- date and rezoning is scheduled at 7 this evening in Standley Junior High School, 6298 Radcliff Drive University City. ' The cornmi sion will consider a comprehensive amendment of the 1983 University Community plan and application of the community plan implementation overlay zone for certain properties m the com- munity. The major i..sues to be discussed ~re g nerally related to engineer- ing and circulation systems and planning, land use, development intensity and urban design.

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¼igurative Sculpture" g'J} currently on view at l@L__ "Figurative Sculpture " an ex- hib!tion by internationally known a:11st T.J. Dixon, is currently on ' View at the University of San Diego's Founders Ga ery. _., Dixon's terra-cotta sculptures have been widely exhibited in England, Austria and West Ger- many as well as in Colorado, New York, Kansas and California. She is currently teaching courses on large-scale, ceramic life sculpture at UC San Diego and San Diego Mesa College. "Figurative Sculpture" will re- main on display, free of charge, Monday through Friday, from noon t.o 5 p.m., until Dec. 11. For more information, call John Nunes at 260-4682. ___.---

Booster club to aid Torero hoopsters Hank Egan. head basketball coach for the University of San Diego , has announced the emergence of a booster club. the Torero Blue. The organization was formed by area businessmen to help raise additional funds to support USD b~ketball. Members in- c I ude: Tom Palmtag, Dr William P. Curran, Thomas Burke, John Trifilleti, Edward LaPJount. Ted Peterson, John Prunty and Guy Ricciardulli For further,jnformation. call 260-4588 ;?. 7 ) Y-

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