News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

NOV 1 1986


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/ Judge won't quash Lucas evi nee Ten mo rings on pretrial motions in D vid Allen Lucas· two murder trials ended yesterday with Superior Court Judge Franklin B. Or- field denying defense motions to . up- press evidence seized in Lucas' home, busine and truck Orfield's ruling clean; the way for proceedings in the hr't trial to oogin today before Superior Court Judge William H. Kennedy, although Jury selection may be at least a month away Defense attorneys Alex Landon, Jeffrey Stutz, William Saunders (who has smce been replaced by Steven Feldman), and Christopher Blake called about 125 witnesses for the hearings while Deputy DISlricl At- torneys Daniel Williams and George Clarke called 15 w1tncssc Orfield ruled that h<:1 iff' depu• ties acted properly m eizing evi• dence against Lucas. He also ruled that Luca ' Dec 13, 1984, arrest for v,olation of probation on a drunken-dnvmg ronviction was proper. Luca wa arr t d Dec 16, 1984. in the death rLJ.lSll .sUul.ent Anne Catherir Swanke, 22. who was killed Nov 20, 1984 The defen e contended that his ar· rest at that time was a "pretext ar- re~t ' that was a med at getting a pho ograph of Lura to how another victim, Jodie antiago, 34, of Seattle. anllago's throat had been slashed on June 9, 1984. on a Mount Helix roadside. She is the lone survivor of a series of throat-slashing incidents with which LLC I charged. He faces trial today m connection with the May 4, 1979, slaying of Su- zanne Camille Jacobs, 31, and her 3· year-old son, Colin Michael Jacobs; and the Dec. 8, 1981, killing of real estate saleswoman Gayle Roberta Gama. 29, who· was found with her throat slashed m a Spring Valley home she was to show a prospective renter the day she was slain. Lucas also faces trial in the Swanke slaying, the Oct. 23, 1984, slayings of Rhonda Strang, 24, and Amber Fisher, a 3-year-old girl she was baby-sittmg in her Lakeside home, and the attempted murder of Santiago.

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Vista club goes on the block 'Te'Ntl.~CLUB FOR SALE - ----------- affinity for beating Swedish oppo· Southern Cahfornia 15 courts - IO Local Tennis nents, now is replacing them. u.cre ·. Perfect tennis weather. ------------ '.\iecir will replace Sweden's Stefan SB00.000 firm Flexible terms." Mark Zeigler Edberg tomorrow night in the Miehe· - dv rl menl In the October -------------- lin Series exhibition at the Los Ange- Teani U. .4 les Forum. In a rematch of the 'BG y ars, P1erce Kavanagh elhn th V1 ta Tennis Club 'I bought the club for my tenni camp," 1d Kavana h, who in the late 197 r n the county's largest t nm U!Jlm r camp. "I dlSContmued th camp (two years ago) And I u t don't hav t m for the club any- mor ." Kavanagh, now the t nni d1r tor t th La Jolla y ICA. oogan hi c mp 15 y ago in El Caion, then mov d 1t to th n Luis R y Acade- my, then to the VISta Tenm Club. Al 1t he1 ht, th bo rding camp drew 700 pl y rs per umm r. fter cl m the camp, avanagh lured Woodv Blocher and h1 tennis ac demy from orth Carolina to tend th dub. But 1f the club IS old, Bloch r may hav to move. ery High, San Diego City College and U.S. Open singles final, Mecir meets the University of Arizona. No. 1-ranked Ivan Lendl. Preceding Fntz, a product of New York City, them at 6 p.m., Czechoslovakia's has played tennis since 10 and joined Helena Sukova is scheduled to play the pro tour at 18. Her highest rank- Canada's Carling Bassett. ing was No. 15 ). Next weekend in the ABC-tele• vised AT&T Challenge in Atlanta, TF..AM E, · lS - The Domino's Mecir will fill in for injured Swede team tennb e gues keep growing in Anders Jarryd. popu' r,ty and numbers. The silc fall In the Lynda Carter/Mayhelline league began their playoffs yester- Challenge, there has been no word on day. According to director John Fel• the final two players in the six• man, the winners probably will play woman field, which includes Martina champions from Orange and Ventura Navratilova, Chris Evert Lloyd, countie:;. Carling Bassett and Mary Joe Fer· Last week, a league started at the nandez. aval Air Station in Coronado. "I see n reason Y.hy we won't expand to everal leagues and play against other area tennis clubs as well as other bases," said head pro Sue Nick- erson. "We have some good players here." EXHIBITION EXTRAS

MATCH POINTS - Three of the four CIF-San Diego Section boys' and girls' singles finalists will play in a juniors exhibition at San Diego Ten- nis and Racquet Club at noon Dec. 7. Brothers Carl and Michael Chang (Michael beat Carl last spring for the section title) and Shannon Crockett, who lost to Mimi Burgos yesterday in the girls' final, will join Linda Allred in singles, then mixed doubles Sally Huss highlights the early en- tries for the National Hardcourt Women's 40 singles championships at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club beginning Dec. 1. Huss won the title at the LJBTC two years ago. The for- mer Sally Moore, Huss won the U.S. junior doubles title in 1957 with Hel- ene Weill. The top entrants in the National Hardcourt Father1Son dou- bles championships include Oscar and Jim Harper (La Jolla), Joel and Bill Hein (Tarzana), and Alan and Bruce Gow (Sugarland, Texas) ... The ninth annual San Diego All· College Tennis Tournament begins Dec. 1 at the University of San Diego, San Diego State and Grossmont Col- lege. Any full-time area college stu- dent can enter.

"I'm kind of in limbo right now," Bloch r said y terday "We want to tay h re if w can. Pierce ha talked to m ab-Out lea ng the club for a f w more years But I don't know It's j t a matter of working out a d al" EW PRO - Two area club re- c nUy cho e new head profe ionals Angel Lopez at the San Diego Ten• 01 and Racquet Club and Anne Fritz aL th San Vicent Resort Club Lopez has been at the same club for even years as director of the junior development program (one of h1 charges was Kelly Jones). He took over the new duties when Ken Walts, the club' director of racket sports, left two w ek ago for t e Reg1:;try Resort in Scottsdale, Ariz. "I didn't want to he called 'Direc- tor of Racket ports,'" Lopez said. "I don't play racquetball or qua h. I wanted to be called 'Head Tennis Profe 1onal.' " / Lopez played tennis for Montgom-

Czecho lavakia's Miloslav Mecir, known as the Swede Killer for his UPCOMING TOURNEYS Junior• Poway Chn1tm11 TOllfnamtnt - Dec 6-7, 13- 14 Stoner1dge Country Club Boys' and girts' 11n• gles and dO

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. D. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) San Diego Union (Cir. 0. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)

NOV 22 1986

NOV 2 3 1986



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1 ,, l080 Border!'Officials outline ~;,q~· 'liberal,-.approach to law Continued from B-10

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Another third of the legalization employees will come from INS ranks, while the remaining third will be new personnel, he explained. Rog- ers said it was hoped the INS could process an average of 500 legaliza- tion applications per day regionally once the process begins next June. Although it is not known now how much the government will be charg- ing to process legalization applica- tions, Rogers noted the present fee for an immigrant visa is about $150.

Although the patrol is now being sup- plied with obsolete M-14 military ri• fies, this amounts to "replacing some of our old shoulder weapons with other old shoulder weapons. we·re just replacing what"s already in the arsenal." "In order not to devastate our ranks." Rogers said, the INS will be hiring about 20 retired agency offi- cials to build the complement of 58 employees needed to staff the three regional legalization centers.

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