News Scrapbook 1986

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (S~n Diego Ed.) (Cir. D 50 010) (Cir. S 55,573) OEC 5

san Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)


DEC 3 1986

,. C. B


ht. 1888


P. C. B

1 ., , 1888 / USD faces two problems: B9js?' State and a flu bug By Kir Kenney They scored 99, 99, and they won Tribune Sportswriter their last game 70-45. So they're USD basketball coach Hank Egan going to be a good challenge for us." is con ed about the development The Broncos won the Real Da!1;' of the Toreros' younger players this Classic over the weekend by beating season. Idaho State 70-45. Sophomore guard However, Egan's concern could Chris Childs led the way with 19 flip-flop, woqying that the younger points and fi!e rel>

a de Goes for 3, Gets 2 and st ill G. es USD a 54-52 Victory


Still. Madden wasn't upset. The shot he sank at the buzzer was good enough lo give USO a 54-52 victory over Boise State m the Toreros' horn opener m front of 2.010 m the USO Sports Center. aybe the last-mtnute excite- ment USO provided when it al- lowed the Broncos to score 15 unanswered points m the fma!



0 1 go forwa~d Nils adden always wanted to mnk a three point shot durmg a game He had done it plenty of time In pracl!ce and Thur day night against Boi e State 1adden thought he had done it in~ g me But, no he was u t inside the hne marking the three pomt tem- tory

Please see USD, p ge 17

te, tra hng 52-37, called timeout with 6 57 rem 111mg, nd th n ran o r 15 straight pomts to tie game, 52-52, with flv econds I rt nth g me. 'I thou ht we played v. 11 th fir t I m nut of the second h If),'' I< 1 id "The last seven minutes of l c ball am . we Just quit playing. We were lucky, but th t doe n'l hurt.'' In th Umeout before the wm- mng hot, Egan said he had plann d to get the ball to Madden. "We wanted to prevent [USD] rrom dunking for an e y basket nd w d dn'l want to foul them." Dy sa d of hi team's strategy on lhe rm I play. Dye's teams are famous for la l minute rallies. During the CAA Western Regionals m 1978 Dy 's l am al Cal State Fullerto~ n first two r to rn ment with come-from-be- hind v1ctones. Full rlon was ehminated, how- ever, by a shot al the buzzer by Ark nsas. In the Arkansa game, Fullerton scored 18 straight pomts I te m the game to tie Arkansas. "Th most important thing is to nol los your poise out there," Dye aid. "You have to keep doing what you et outto do." Bot Stale had kept pace with the Toreros until late m the first half when USD scored 10 consecu- tive points to take a 28- 19 Iead with two minutes lert. USD led 30-23 at lh halt. USD tried lo quicken the pace of th game early in the second half, but emed to get ahead or itself as ll made everal errant passes and hot poorly from the field Th Toreros regained control of th game midway through the cond half behind Marty Munn's back-to-back three pointers. which gave produced a 46-30 lead with l 2 minutes remammg. But USO lost its momentum and Bo e State tnmmed the Toreros I d to 48-36 with nme minutes to play. "Toward the end of the game, they tayed aggressive," Madden said. "We were aggre ive at times, but couldn't keep it up. If we could have remained aggressive (the game] would not have been as clo e. "It was a letdown when they cam back, we were lucky to wm." Dye said he wa pleased that his defense controlled USD's 7-foot c nter Scoll Thompson. Agam t th Un1vers1ty of Utah la t week, Thompson scored 31 pomts. Thurs- day mght, he was held to 17 pomts Boi e Slate's Chris Childs led all corers with 19 pomts.

La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) La Jolla Light (Cir. W 9,040) o£.C 4



's P C 8

/4 Scouts bestow award on USD' s Friedman ")';, C. ugh Friedman, an at- Friedman is

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Clairemont Linda Vista

currently a member of the California Com- mission on the Teaching Profes-

torney and professor of law at the Universit of San Die o School of Law ha been presented the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. to Lincoln R. Ward, President, San Diego County Council, Boy Scouts of America, the Distingmshed Eagle Scout Award is given to Eagle Scouts who, after 25 years, have distinguished themselves in their careers or in pu)?iic life. Friedman is a member of the Executive Board San Diego County Council, Boy Scouts of America and was the first presi- dent of San Diego Council's Eagle Scout Alumni Association. He was the founding Director and Secretary of the Legal Aid Society. He is a judge pro tern in both the San Diego Municipal and Superior Courts. Friedman has served as presi- dent of the California Board of Education, chairman of the California Securities Regulatory Reform Commission and a member and chairman of the San Diego Civil Service Commission. He has served as vice president and president of the Del Mar Fair Board and as a member of the California Race Track Leasing Commission. According

Star News {Cir. 2xW.)

QEC 4.


.Jl/len xx~ -----U-so slates presentation otplay "The Mysteries" Ever stl? 1he Old Globe Theatre's David Hay saw what he regarded as the definitive Christmas play two years ago on the London stage, he has been determined to put it on an American stage. Thanks to the u~f San Dieg2-Hay's dream\vill become _a reality in December wheI_J ~s adaptation of Tony Har son s "TheMysteries, From C;:e~tiQnJ;o Chrisfuias" will be perfflrlooi 5at USD's Founders Chapel. "The Mysteries," featuring 14 Bible stories, is free and open to the public. Performances are schedul- ed for Dec. 11, 12 and 13 at 7:30p.m. USD Campus Ministry is a co- . sponsor of the USD production, making the chapel available and helping with promotion. For further details, contact John Nunes at 260-4682. 's P. c. B L" r

C. HUGH FRIEDMAN Receives award for service

sion, The National Advisory Board of the National Street Law Institute and Director of Business and Securities Law Programs for Continuing Professional Educa- tion. He is also serving as a member of the San Diego City Schools of the Future Commission. He has been the recipient of the Award Of Honor for outstanding service to the Legal Profession, San Diego County Bar Associa- tion and is in Who's Who in California and the West. He has authored numerous professional articles and professional tex/

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