News Scrapbook 1986
So 01 go, CJ>. lSao 01 go co.) S o D ego l)o\oo lClr. o. 211,089) lClr s. 341,840)
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~e~,!!,1!!ains unbeaten with shot at buzzer El;; "W · drew his fourth foul less th f co;n, . e JIJ5f stalled out, stopped minutes into the secon an ive Despite the presence inside of the on tre_t~~: :::.~ i~~ng;~:.~~:::~ ~:: tn :i go the _d~::~!. a~: i1f;~n~~~ru':o with ~:n.:\1u~: :r. lucky But that ~o 0~ Ch~~g f:n~hrows cut to,~;:: rai~~n takl~ the last s;o~as The past few d USO s lead to 52-48 then it bee as ime d shot, my man has been a hurtin'a~t th;:£1• ~SD 52-50 on Jeff Keliefs baseline d:i~:. ~~ersagg~. off me and _pla~~ the ~':::.:: ,:<:: .:~:~;.,d:~: :".,,= ~t::o1111.!:"'~ ;~,.£~J;~-:• .. ,,~:! :Yet, Egan shook his bead in the nega: ~p an airball from inside and Mad- And the Toreros or e v1ctorr- tlve when it was suggested his la . en r~bounded. was Boise State's recwere 2-0'. w~ich ers might have been affec'ed / J Boise State used up its last foul USD's first b ord coming mto bug in those last SL en mi;utes Y e and the Toreros botched the in- "We didn'f~e game of the season. ly."•~!t~t~~~;!:~~efJ~e~t;:t ~If1:01:· tc~1 ~ 1 ~n~~:~~t:e ~::, :ti~;~~!: :~ite'f you that. e ase me. Crossing under the Boise state h . · . ~be Broncos were re:.urrected by ~~ket,. he shot back over his head of what kind :: !f :r~y m~1cation their star guard, Chris Childs, who th:re r;:,~• ty~~ f!f~: s:: right ~~::~:~n bitg his ~\rsn:'~~~t.~
1 ~adden's basket ~clinches it for USD - By Chris Jenkins Slaff Writer w~en USO called its last time out with three seconds remaining.
At one point in the second half, you ~• the Toreros were breezing along with a 16-_POin~ lead. Scott Thompson was tappmg m the little stuff, and newcomer Marty Munn was popping t~ree-pointers like M&M'S to the de- light ofa~ Center crowd of 2,010. It was still a comfortable 52-37 _ too comfortable for USO - on Steve Krallman's basket with seven min- utes left. USD would not sink another sh?t until Madden's game-winner. .. 'The second half, we played our bu~t off ~e first 13 minutes, then just qutt playmg," said_pso coach Hank See USD on i:f!e C-4
For a moment. you might've thought Nils Madden was delirious from the flu, or just ecstasy. "I always wanted to do something like that," said the University of San D!ego forward. "I always wanted to wm a game with a three-pointer." But, ahem, it wasn't. The jump shot Madden bad just bit at the final buzzer to beat Boise State 54-52 last night was a delicate swish taken from inside the celebrated three-point circle. "I know," Madden said still grin- ning. "But it was close." ' No closer than the game, which probably had no business being tied
The San Diego Union/Howard Lipm
Boise State's Arnell Jones Isn't trying out a new sport. He's flipping over after a play at USO.
San Diego, CA (Sao Diego Co.) Sao Diego Uolon (Cir. O. 217,089) (Cir. S. 341,840)
observance will focus on the plight of Soviet Jews the 9 and 10:30 a.m. services tomor- row at Palisades Presbyterian
carols will be presented at Firs United Methodist Church at 8 p.rn. tomorrow by the Masterwork Cho rale and the Chancel Choir. • Elim Chapel will present the cantata "Everlasting Light ' at 7 p.m,, Friday and Saturday and at 6 p.m. Dec. 14 in the sanctuary in• Ocean Beach. East Andrew S. Jongsma will give an organ recital at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Church of the Blessed Sacrament in El Cajon. Works by Clerambault, Buxtehude, Bach, Langlais and Karg- Elert will be featured, includmg cho- ral preludes for Advent and Christ mas.
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Religion News
Church. • The Baha'i Center, in coopera- tion with the Peace Resource Center, is sponsoring a program of lectures, titled "Forum for World Peace," at 7 p.m. next Saturday at the Baha'i Cen- ter on Alcala Knolls Drive. speakers will include David Neptune of the Religous Society of Friends, Jeanne Ertle of the Peace and Justice Com- mittee of the Roman Catholic Church and Anita Hosenpud of the Interfaith Peace Makers. Susan Collins will be the moderator. • The University of San Die o's English ar men ampus Minis- try and the Old Globe Theatre will present a medieval Christmas play at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Founders Chapel. Admis- sion is free. . • The Israeli Cbassidic Festival will be presented at 7 p.m. Wednes- day at Congregation Beth El in La Jolla. Call Beth El for reservations. • "A Ceremony of Carols" by Benjamin Britten, "Gloria" by John Rutter and traditional Christmas
Solana Beach. He will also discuss bis truggle to obtain the release of bis parents, who have not yet been allowed to leave the Soviet Union. • Needy people throughout the world will be remembered at a Christmas fair from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. tomorrow at Point Loma Community Presbyte- rian Church. Fairgoers can purchase gifts for the poor in the names of people on their own Christmas lists. Participat- ing organizations mclude the Heifer Project, Church World Service, Lov- ing Hands Gift Shop and Habitat for Humanity. • Mothers Together, a support network that mrets at First United ethodist Church m Mission Valley, will hear Myra Hogan, diaconal mm- ister, discuss how to keep a religious atmosphere in the home at Christ- ma~ Hogan speaks at 9:30 a.m. Thursday tn the church's Linder Hall. • The San D1 go Evangelical As• soc1ation ill hold a prayer break- fast at 7:30 am. Wednesday at S y- hne We leyan Church in Lemon
The Jewish Co~1niy1 elations Council UI hold a weeklong obser- vance of the plight of Soviet Jewry that will mclud an mterfaitb prayer breakfa t and a petition-signing campaign. Council chairman Murray Gahn• sen said progr ms are planned to "educate people and raise their awar n of the tragic situation fac- ing Soviet Jews" i natu es on petitions urging Pr id nt Reagan to bnng up the i ue of Soviet Jewry at his next umnut meeting th Soviet leader Mikhail Gorb cbev will be collected between 11 a.m and 2 p m. Monday at a booth al th Community Con- coune. A mblyman Art Agnos, D-San Francisc , will disc his ex rienc- es trav ling in th Soviet Umon at an Int rfa th prayer hreakfa t at 8 a.m Wedn ay t Tempi Beth Israel, Third Av u nd Laurel Str t.
... in brief
rence Branch of the Jewish Commu- nity Center. Call the American Jew- ish Committee for information. • Morris Casuto, regional direc- tor of the Anti-Defamation League, will disCUSS terrorism in America at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Tifereth Israel Synagogue on Cowles Mountain Boul- evard. Admission to the seconJ in a series of lectures on contemporary issues is $2. The congregation will also bold a question-and-answer session at "Breakfast with the Rabbi" from 10:30 a.m. to noon tomorrow. Rabbi Aaron Gold will discuss what Juda- ism has to say about homosexuality, adultery, and the strife between Or- thodox and Reform Jews in Israel. • James A. Walther, emeritus professor of New Testament litera- ture and exegesis at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, will preach at
Grove. Clifford Anderson, dean of Bethel Theological Seminary West, will discuss "Laymen and Clergy as a Team," and John and Mary Giger of Scott Memorial Baptist Church East will provide a musical pro- gram. Call the association office by Monday for reservations. • Del Cerro Baptist Church will present the Singing Christmas Story Tree in the Embarcadero Park with the cooperation of Seaport Village. Performances will be at 7 p.m. today and tomorrow and Dec. 13, 14 and 20, and at 4 p.m. Dec. 21. Don Howell, minister of music at Del Cerro, is director of the program. • Dr. Neil Sandburg, Western re• gional director for the American Jewish Committee, will speak at a noon luncheon at the Tickled Trout restaurant in Mission Valley and at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the M. Larry Law-
• Crossroads of Yuma, Ariz , an Daybreak of Lemon Grove will pres- ent "Everlasting Light" in a cont· bined concert at Christian Church on San Miguel A venue, Lemon Grove. • The Foothills United Methodist Church Chancel Choir will present ''Images of Christmas" at 4 and 6:30 p.m. tomorrow
Leonid SI pak, a fonner Soviet Jew, will d his experienc liv- ing m the Soviet Union at 7'30 p.m. Thur day at Congregation Beth Am
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