News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454)

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Photo by Bob Sand

te Holm at Pearl Bailey's


Lori Rollins and Don Wiggins at the Pearl Bailey dinner and concert, a benefit for the San Diego Mental Health Association

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AH, SWEET MYSTERY: The Old Globe Theater and the University of S,!lf"Die_zo have joined haiiirn" to pr e:i- en a free Christmas production, "The Mysten8l.. From Creation to Christmas." The Tony Harrison play, featuring 14 Bible stories will run at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow through Saturday in USD's Founders Chapel. USD pro- •fessor Sister Betsy Walsh plays God •and the cast comes from both USD : and the Old Globe, which also provid- . ed director David Hay. BY THE FIRE: The Fireside Sin- gles will throw a fund-raiser party from 7:30 to 11 p.m. Dec. 20 at the Seacoast Senior Service Center, 890 Balour Drive in Encinitas. Dancing, appetizers and a gift exchange will be featured. The event benefits the senior center and Encinitas Family Services. Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door for members; $13 in advance and $15 at the door for non- members. Reservations are a must. Send your check to Fireside Singles, • 1106 Second St. No. 265, Encinitas •92024. TOYS, YES, CHECKUPS, NO: Bring a new toy and have fun at the San Diego County Chiropractic Soci- ety's annual Toys for Tots dinner at 7:30 p.m. Frfday at the Executive •Hotel, 1055 First Ave. Toys must be new, unwrapped and worth at least $10. For reservations, call 569-4567. If you can't come to dinner, drop your toy donation at any society mem- ber's office. THE BIG SHAKE: Diving under your bed isn't good enough. Be pre- pared for the big quake with some • help from the American Red Cross. The local chapter is offering two free booklets, "27 Ways to Survive An Earthquake" and "Family Disaster Plan and Personal Survival Guide" at local branches of California First ·Bank. SAY NO TO DRUGS: The Teen Connection, a local youth abuse pre- vention theater group of youths, has : released a single record now playing on local radio stations. The songs are ''The Choice is Yours" and "No Way

Notebook to Win," written by group members. The record is available for $2 at On Targe. and Tower record stores. Proceeds benefit The Teen Connec- tion, now seeking funding for the coming s son of live shows at local junior and senior high schools. NUCLEAR FREE: The first local chapter of Mothers Embracing Nu- clear Di armament (MEND) has been established in San Diego. The group wants to develop awareness about the gravity of the nuclear issue. For more information call 454· 3343. YES, BUT CAN HE TYPE? Todd Courtois, a 10th-grader at Granite Hills High School in El Cajon, recent- ly presented a paper on fuel cell re- search and development at the Ninth World Energy Engineering Congress in Atlanta. More than 3,500 engineers from around the world heard him speak at the event. WE ARE THE WORLD: Why not give a gift to someone in another country this year? Fifteen dollars will help pay for cataract surgery for someone in Nepal or India. $2 will buy postoperative eyeglasses, and $5 will pay for food and transportation to the hospital, a major obstaclr! for many poor patients. In Guatemala, your $45 gift could buy a sheep or goat for a woman widowed by the civil war. The animal could help her support her family. More ideas for gifts such as these are available through the Seva Foundation, an in- ternational service organization sponsoring public health education. For information write the foundation at 108 Spring Lake Drive, Chelsea, Mich. 48118. - Compiled by Sarah Pattee ;

Vivikka Mason, right, ln charge of tickets for ctawing during All Souls' Home Tour events San Diego Mental Health Association benefited

style hors d'oeuvres and the openfug of the Roy De- • University of San Diego Auxiliary met for lunch Dec. 2 in Cafe de! Rey Moro. Members of the Califor- Jl.ia Ballet performed excerpts from "The Nutcrack- er." • All Souls' Homes Tour took place Saturday and included a crafts and Christmas arts fair at All Souls' Episcopal Churcll's Parish Hall. Four Point Loma houses, decorated for the holidays, were open for in- spection while activities for children took place in the Carava show.

from a dinner and concert Thursday by singing great Pearl Bailey. Bailey and actress Celeste Holm chaired the fund-raiser, which included Bailey's per- formance accompanied by her husband, drummer Louie Bellson. More than 200 guests attended. Among other social events of the past week: • Jeanne Lawrence hosted her annual women-only holiday tea Friday in the Coronet Room of Hotel de! Coronado. Special attraction this year, as always, was the Del's lobby Christmas tree. • Members of the Museum of Photographic Arts gathered at the museum Dec. 3 for jazz, New Orleans-

Catalina Boulevard church.

Tribune photos by J= Baml. Michael Franklin, Janice Gordoo, Scott Linnett and Greg Vojtko 1...----------~---------...... 1

Indio, CA (Riverside Co.) Indio Daily News (Cir. D. 8,124)

Coronado, CA (San Diego Co.) Coronado Journal (Cir. W. 5,900)

DEC 12 1988

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B • Mark Skordas, who received USllleSS I her M~sters Degree in Special I=========,,;,_==-...} Educa~on f~om the University of Chase .Avenue Elementary San Diego m 1979, is currently lie $ __

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completmg her doctorate at the Capt. and Mrs. Wiliiam M. Mark --------==---' USO. She is of Coronado. the daughter of

P. C. 8 t 8HH / Couple exchange _vows :LASS hr

School m Cajon Valley Union She has taught third through t~e eighth grade and was at one coordinator for three years at School District. ume the school improvement

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Skorda~ is_princ_i_p_a-1__. Marilyn Matk Skordas graduate of Coronado High became principal of ::2... 1 .~c..::; School,

Tierrasanta Elementary School. ---.:-.:-_-_ -_ -_-.::_.::_.::_.::_-=-=-=-=-=...::-----1

Dawn ~arie Wilson of Indio and Gregory Arthur Swajian of Palm ~ert will exchan e marriage vows Dec. 20 in an afternoon ceremony ID Palm Desert. Both are graduates of Indio High School Ms. Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Duke Wilson of Indio later attended, Stephen~ College for one year and was graduated 'with a bache~or s degree _ID art ~rom the Unive~al! Diego. She IS an execu~1ve officer of the Duke Wilson Company in Indio and has worked for five years in the family produce business founded by her father. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Swajian of Palm Desert graduated cum laude from University of Southern California. ' As_ an attorney and real es1:<1te broker, he was a partner in the Erwm Andelson ~nd _Eldred firm and now practices business and real ~s~te law ID his Gregory A. Swajian professional law cor- ___ P_orahon ID Palm Desert. /


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