News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Dally Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

ti8t8 -'-- P'Ollp tthf.... q "New Mmeo Lmldiaap." la car, rently on uhibition at the Santa Fe We.t Gall--, 622 Fifth Ave. in Gaalamp, will be held tenisht from 8 to 9. The artiatll ¥tm-M an Dour AnrtU, Brin Binn&; Cana10; w.u.r Cooper, Dlek Muon, Mac,te Mateluaore, and Paul Shapiro. A special showing and benefit sale ot "Recent Acquisitions on Paper from Japan and the Mitzie Verne Collection" will be held Jan. 19-22 at the Mlngei International , Muaeum of World Folk Art at University Towne Centre. • • • Two short contemporary works, "Red, Black and Ignorant," from Edward Bond's "War Plays," and "Theatre II" by Samuel Beckett will be presented by the UCSD Theatre in the intimate Studio Theatre Jan. 22-25. Admission is $3. • • • Patricia Elmore, artistic direc- tor of the San Diego Actors Studio and produc~ director of the newly incorporated San Diego Acton Theatre has been awarded a schol- arship to ~•• Man- agement for the Arts program. / • • •

JAN 17 1986


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· A reception honoring seven ar-

ed on Michael Bolten for "Of Mice and Men," and on John Kilgore La Jolla Playhot111e was honored with overall Production awarda for "A Man's A Man," and "Gh06t On Direction honors went to Robert Woodruff for "A Man's A Man," and to Timothy Near for "Gh06t On Fire." And Writing honors wenttoMichaelWeUerfor"Ghost Performance awarda went Playhouse actors Bill Irwin and John Vickery for their roles in "A to for "London ABBurance." Fire." On Fire."

on all catalogues, posters, book& and design items in the mt111eum store, and discounts on lectures and performances at the mt111eum. · That muaeum store is eet to open' in early February; its first e.xhib- ition and sale will focus on hand- crafted jewelry sponsored by thi • ·

last Su~day m Los the ninth annual

applauded Angelee at

Drama Logue Awarda. The big local winnen, were the Old Globe Theatre that took 24 awards and the La Jolla Playhouae that took an Di ro'• Starlight home 10 awards, the San Dieaio Repert ry Theatre made a good s how ing as well with seven awards, as did Escondido's Law~nce Welk Yil!!l.(e Theatre took The Orama-Logue Awards, &poD110red by a Loa Angeles mega- 15. Wl 'th ven.

Formica Corporation.

The Art Center, located on the street level of Horton Plaza, is cur- rently showing "Selections from, The Kondon Collection of Early 20th Century European Art,": Target Stores has awarded a. $6,000 grant to sponsor the Cali- fornua Youn1 Play~1hta Pro-' ject. The srant wi11 cover produc- tion expenses for five performanceit of four "Plays by Young Writers:•~ now being performed at the Gaa: lamp Quarter Theatre through Sunday. Tickets are on sale now for $5 al the Ga.slamp box office, 547 Fourth: - The Target grant will also be UB·: ed to fund 10 workshops to insp~ more student scripta, eli&ible for; the 1986 competition. · • • • The Loa Angeles-based W.M, K~Foundation has awarded f( $70,000 !{!'ant' to_ the Old GI~ Theatre which will provide a new theairical lighting system for the Cassius Carter Centre Stage to be installed this spring. The curren~ lighting system in that theater waa installed in 1968, itJ considered ob, solete and frequently break& down.' The new system will allow lighting designers full use of the theater'11 potential, noted Tom Hall, Globe managing director. : This is the fll'St grant the Globe has received from the Keck Foun: dation, one of the nation's larg~· in terms of total annual sra~ta. It was established in 1954 by the late William M. Keck, founder of the Superior Oil Company. The com, bined assets of the foundation and W.M. Keck Trust for the benefit of the foundation exceed $550 mil- lion. This foundation awarded nine organizations in Arts and Culture for '85. It awarded over $23.l mil- lion to 58 institutions, including $17 .8 million to 36 organizations in Southern CaliAJrnia alone. · . ... Kathryn Bouleyn returns to San Diego Opera to sing the role of Countess Almaviva in "The Marriage of Figaro," opening Jan. 25 and running through Feb. 2 at the Civic Theatre. She was critical- ly praised for her performance as Tatyana in the recent production of "Eugene Onegin." She replaces Pamela Coburn, previously an: nounced the sing the role in "Figaro," who could not arrive in time to rehearse adequately in what Ian Campbell, general director, calla "a very comple.z ensemble opera.'' • • • The San Diego chapter of the National Pastoral Musician• AHOclation has donated $25,000 to the Vniversfty of San Diego for the purpose of completing con- struction of the Founders Chapel pipe organ there, an integral part of USD's liturgical music program_ the only one of its kind in the western U.S. .... The ~ulticultural Arts Gallery,•425 Market St. in the Gaalamp Quarter, opened an ex1 hibition titled "Dancing Brushes~ by Master Cbunirllanai Al Huang; yesterday, running thmueh Feb. 16. An invitational ractption r~ (Continued on Pap 6-_':_ , Z f throughMarch. • • • Ave.

ArtFacts by Priscilla Lister Schupp

zine of that name, differ from most nw rd ceremoni s in that th re's no "beet," no one winner in each category, explained Larry SteekJ. Ina, the n Diego area critic who submitted th local winneni for this year's Drama-Logues. "There is no limit and no mini- mum in ny category," said Steck! ing "We can award nwnerous awards in the same category - or none for that matter - always looking for outstandmg achieve- ment. "Orama-Logue feels that artists in theater should be recognized as much as po&lible for fine work they have dono, and awards shouldn't be contmgent on lots of politics and such JWlt trying to get only one wmner. "I feel this year we had some re- ally excellent shows in all areas of theater, from large houses to smaller hot111es. I was particularly interested to eee the San Diego Rep compete so heavily and so well with bigger houses. And it was good to see the success of La.....Tence Welk and Starlight, whose shows by their very nature sometimes don't have the llllCury of time and energy as otheni do - this year I felt they really had some excellent productions that had to be recogni- zed The theatergoer has a much broader range of choices these days." The Globe took overall Produc- t 10 n honors for "London Assurance" and "Pygmalion," also big winnen, with other specific awards. Direction honors went to Craig Noel for "London A88uranc,e" and to Jack O'Brien for "Pygmalion." And Writing honors went to Ro- hen Lord for "Bert and Ma1sy" and to Stephen Metcalfe for "Vikmgs.'' Performance awarda were hand ed to Globe actors Kandis Cha~ pell for her role in "The Torch- Bearers," Eric Christmas in "Pygmalion," Jeffrey Combs m "London Assurance ," Larry Drake in "Greater Tuna," Tom Lacy in "The Torch-Bearers,"

Man's A Man," to Holly Hunter in "Ghost On Fire," to William Ruaa in "Ghost On Fire," to Chip ZJen in "Merrily We Roll Along," and to Penny Fuller in '"The Sea Gull." UCSD Drama Department head Richard Riddell took Lighting Design honors for his work in '"The Sea Gull." Dour Stein won a Sce- nic Demgn award for "A Man's A Man." And Victor Zupanc and Douglaa Wieaelman took honol'll for Sound Design for "A Man's A Man." Starlight took an overall Pro- duction award for "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." A Direction award went to Wayne Bryan for Starlight's "Where's Charley?" Performance awards went to Starlight actors Wayne Bryan in "Where's Charley?" Mary Don- nelly in "Seven Brides," and to Kirby Ward in "George M!" Scenic Design awards went to Ken Holamon for Starlight's "King and I," and Costume Design honors went to Tara for "Where's Charley?" Choreography awards went to Pepper Clyde for "Seven Brides," and to Dom Salinaro for "Where'• Charley?" The Rep took overall Production honors for "The Time Of Your Life." And Sam Woodbou•e was honored with a Direction award for the same production. Two Performance awards went to Rep actor William Anton in "Time Of Your Life," and for "Rap Master Ronnie." Other Rep actors that earned Performance awards were Darla Ca11h in "Ex- tremities," Thom Murray in "Cloud Nine, and Tavill RoH i1,1 "Extremities." Gary Davia from Lawrence Welk earned a Direction award for "Pajama Game.'' Performance awards went to Welk actors Dan Sheehan for "Carnival," to Elmarie Wendel for "Pajama Game," and to Claudia Wilkena for "Annie." Scenic Designs awards went to Don ErteU for both "Annie" and " Pajama Game." And Larry Hyman earned a Choreography award for "Pajama Game." • • • The San Diego Art Center seeks supporters who wi8li to become founding members and donors. Founding membenihips begin at $150 a year, increasing to $500 for Founding Fellow, '1,000 for Founding Sponsor, $5,000 for Founding Patron, and $10,000 fur Founding Benefactor. The dona- tions are tax-deductible and such members will be entitled to unlim- ited free admission to the museum, invitiltions to special previews and new exhibitions, a subscription to the quarterly newsletter, recogni- tion at annual eventa, an award- winn i nai po•ter by L1esbeth

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D. 7,415)

JAN 22 198e



trammg at th~ _Denver (Colo.) Center fo~ Mediation, 1s the ~-; case _co~rdmator at the Golden 1

of the Board of Directors of the North County Bar, is also the 1~86 president of the Oceanside

Orle:S this Sunday, which means that San Diego's turn to host the National Football League extrav- aganza 1s only two years away. John Dunn, a partner with Lillick McHose & Charles, knows just how little time is left. The former tight end at Wyom- ing is handling legal matters for the Super Bowl Task Force and is serving as the corporate secretary. To date his job has been "simply getting the task force up and runn- ing. It takes so much planning just to get the structure in place so the LawBriefs · issues can be addressed" - issues like parking, hotel accommoda- tions, events, and many more. The only attorney on the task force, Dunn has formed the non- profit corporation and sought tax exempt status since San Diego was awarded the 1988 Super Bowl in May 1984. "We're trying to avoid chaos at the end," he says. The group draws from many segments of the community, in- cluding the offices of the mayor and city manager, the Chargers, the Chamber of Commerce and the Convention and Visitors Bureau. How did Dunn get involved? Through Jim Sterrett of Lillick McHose & Charles, the lawyer for the Holiday Bowl and a member of the Board of Directors as well the attorney for the Greater San Diego Sports Association. There have already been two or three task force meetings but, says John Reid, a task force member and executive director of the Holi- day Bowl, "Things will start to pick up steam after New Orleans." Reid will be down south this weekend, along with task force members Leon Parma, Sy Mur- ray, Dal Watkins and Bob Payne. Much of Dunn's job in the mon- ths ahead will be negotiating con- tracts. A labor of love? You bet. There's no compensation. Dunn, a graduate of the Univer- sity of Wyoming Law School, joined Lillick McHose & Charles in 1984 after practicing with Luce, For- ward, Hamilton & Scripps. He grew up in Venezuela as his dad was in the oil business. * * *


* * *

£Commerce * * * •

Med1at1on Center.



am er o

Noteworthy: The County Law Library is offering telephone access to a search of the Westlaw com- puter data base. For more informa- tion call 236-2279. Alternate Methods of Dispute Resolution is a course being offered through tomorrow at Cal Western by the National Judicial College. Some 52 judges and hearing of- ficers from across the country are attending. The San Diego Legal Secretaries Association will feature attorney Rob Durham at its Jan. 27 mem- bership meeting beginning at 6 p.m. at the Seven Seas Lodge in Mission Valley. Durham will discuss estate planning. On Jan. 30 Ron Shankles of the SDPD will talk about controlled substances at a noon brown bag luncheon in the Del Prado Room of the Union Bank Building. * * * TV Watch: Dave Casey Jr. and Michael Reed will discuss per- sonal injuries during Channel 51's At the Bar program this Sunday at 8:30a.m. * * * /

Sampson Brown and Daniel DiRe have opened a La Jolla law office specializing in securities transactions and securities fraud litigation. * * * The Hon. Carl McGowan will discuss " The President's Veto Power" in USD's More Hall on Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. Since 1963

by Martin Kruming

McGowan has been a member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. The lecture is sponsored by Finley, Kumble, Wagner, Heine, Underberg, Manley & Casey. * * * James Talley, a partner with the Escondido firm of Galyean, Talley & Wood, is this year's president of the Bar Association of Northern San Diego County. Other officers are Gerry Curtis, vice president; Bruce Jaques Jr., sec- retary , and David Thompson, treasurer. New board members are Jaques, Rebecca Prater and Timothy Thomas. Talley succeeds Vista attorney Rich Muir.

Katherine McGrath hl..'.'The Tor- ch-Bearera," David Oaiden Stiers in "London A88urance," Ellis Rabb in "Pygmalion," and Paul Rudd in "SLage Struck~' The Globe also took an Ensemble Performance awai;d for work by Charles Hallahan, Karen He I, Michael McGuire and Teran Welt for "Vikings." DourJu Schmidt won for his Sceruc Design in "Fallen Angels," and Richard Seger won for bu Scenic Design in ".Pygmalion." Kent Dorsey took Lighting De11iirn honors for "Of Mice and Men." Costume Design honors went to Lew Brown for "Greater Tuna," to Deborah Dryden for "London Assurance," and to Ro- bert Morro for "Pygmalion."



Judy Kachaylo the new director of alumni and community relations at Cal Western. She pre- viously was with the Garvey Mar- keting Group in La Jolla and the NFL Players Association in Wash- ington, D.C. * * * Anthony Bauman and Jude Basile ave set up law offices at 2200 Umon Bank Building specializing in personal injury and general civil litigation. * * * is

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