News Scrapbook 1986

San Diego, Cal if. Sou thern Cross (Cir. W 27,500) A

La Jolla, CA (San Diego Co.) la Jolla light (Cir. W. 9,040)

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MAY 2 2 7986

's P C. B


It IH8

USJl.will offer summer lecture series ALCA£i~- The University of , an Diego Continuing Education Dq>artmcnt will spon. or a ummcr lenure crie~ on spirituality and theology 1n USD' Douglas }'. Manchester Excc·utiv Con!ercnce Center. of the criucal

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P. C. B



issues surrounding the

Eucharist June 24. "The Unconscious and the Spiritual Malaise of Our Time" will be discussed by psychotherapist John A . anfordJuly l. Basil Pennington, O.C.S.O., a Trappist monk of St. Joseph's Abbey in Spenser, Mass., will speak on "A Centered Life" July 7-9 ON JULY 10, "What is Ministry?" will be addressed by Jesuit Father John C. Futrell. All lectures run from 7 to 9 p .m. Total series cost is $50 For individual lecture fees or other information, call Kathie Hare at 260-4585 /

Father Raymond Brown, S.S ., a profcs.-or of biblical studies al Union Theological 'ermnary in ew York City, will speak on "The Problem of Unity and LJ1vers1ty in the E 1rly Chun h and What 1t Means for Christians Today " Junt' 5.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.) Daily Transcript (Cir. D, 7,415)

JE UIT FATHER Joseph M. Powers, from the Jesuit chool of Theology at Berkeley, will address some

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~SD Law ;cboo; will hand out d~to 327 ~~at corn- , mencernent 10:30 /:i(Saturday. Speaker Elizabeth Holmes Norton, Georgetown University law pro- fessor and former head of the U:S. Equal Employment ?pporturuty Commission, will rece1ve an hon- orary degree for her civil rights work. /- _,.-: ____ ._ . .

5'1n Diego, Calif. Southern Cross (Cir. W. 27 ,500l

, • n.llen s P c. 8


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Social act ion important to USDJlraduates -<.. ~5' . casts religious programs in English and ALCAL~ PARK - .cial actt_on, as Span.ish. Since religious broadcasti~g is well as studies, has occupied the time of illegal in Mexico, CMM, whose signal two University of San Diego students who reaches across the border, is especially will receive degrees May 24 and 25. important, Ivey explained. Amy Ivey has spent many weeke~ds She was vice president of USD's ,;ofaiting don~tions of food and clothing Spanish Club and a member of the Inter- from both sides of. the bordt>r _and national Students Organization. Last distributing them to children a~ Lal, Nmas spnng she studied in Spain as an de alvatierra Orphanage m Tecate, exchange student. Mexico. . Associated Student Body president SHE IS receiving a B.A. ~egree 1,n Shawn Patrick O'Heam, a resident of Spanish and has been accepted 10 U_SD s Dana Point in Orange County, will Master of International Business receive a baccalaureate degree in political program. "I have seen the great need for educating people in international non- profit organizations," Ivey said. The graduate received the Bish~p science. AS VICE PRESIDENT of the USO chapter of BACCHUS, a national student organization promoting alcohol aware- ness, O'Hearn helped establish Colle~e Cab, a free-ride program for students m unsafe situations.

From left to right, Brian, Michelle, Mike, Barbara and Bill Pon. :')- 95 s-- C . t d·t· Pon& o. 1s ra 110n of family excellence

is a graduate of

and Brian

Pon & Co. takes pride in being a family-owned and operated business since 1891. Working as a team is a great benefit in achieving both buyer's and seller's goals. One of the company's trademarks is sharing ideas and information. Broker Barbara Pon has watched the tremendous growth and development of San Diego since 1950. Michelle, Mike, Bill and Brian are La Jolla High graduates. Michelle, Mike and Bill are graduates of the Univg:_sity of San

Oregon State University. The company has MLS membership in the La Jolla Real Estate Brokers Association and the Board of Realtors. When selling a home, sellers must be realistic in their price in relation to comparable sales in their area. A real estate agent can supply this in- formation, which includes type of financing, time on the market, date of sale and current market activity. A key to selling your home is to "put yourself in the buyer's shoes," said Barbara Pon.

Maher Catholic Leadership Scholarship in 1982-84 for her work during high school with the Catholic Media Ministries (CMM) in El Paso, Texas THIS ORGANIZATION, founded by Amy's mother, Joanne Iv y, broad-

He served as student representative to USD's fledgling Social Issues Committee made up primarily of faculty and admimstrators.

San Diego, CA (San Diego Co.} Evening Tribune (Cir. D. 127,454}

Los Angeles, CA (Los Angeles Co) Times (San Diego Ed .) (Cir . D 50,010) (Cir. S 55,573)

MAY 241986



//Maher will address lJS.Qg..raduates, get honorary doc!_prate The fost Rev 6'f;?her, bish- op of the S:m Diego oman atholic Diocese, will be commenrement speaker at the Umversity of San Diego graduation at 2 30 p.m. tomor- row in Campus Stadium Maher, bishop here since 1969, will receive an honorary doctorate of humane letters from USD President Author Hughes. Undergraduate degrees will be awarded to 725 senior. Robert and Dorothy DeBolt of Piedmont, Calif, founders of the na- tional organization Aid to the Adop- tion of Special Kids, will speak at USD Graduate School exercises at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the stadium, The parents of 20 children, includ- ing 14 physically and mentally dis- abled youngsters. the DeBolts were subjects of an Academy Award-win- ning documentary, "Who Are the De- Bolts?" Graduate degrees will be awardc:d · to 217

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Ceremonies at SDSU, USO ~!,le~!!~,!!lwill~!!d~!!~ ~~a,~!! ?.:2?.?.. nearly 9,000 students this weekend in ceremonies Lo__gicon Corp after receiving her degree. She scheduled today and Sunday. specialized in mathematics and computer sciences, University of San Diego commencement exercis- earning a 3.98 grade point average out of a possible es will begm with a School of Law program at 10,30 4 points. a.m. today. The law school will graduate 327. The USD graduate school ceremonies will be held at ceremony also will honor Eleanor Holmes Norton, 10:30 a.rn. Sunday and undergraduate degrees will Georgetown University law professor and former be handed out to 725 recipients at 2:30 p.rn. All head of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity graduation programs will be held at Torero Commission, for her work in civil rights and job Stadium on the east side of the campus. discrimination advances. The Most Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop of the San San Dioso State Univl!l'sity will begin its com- Diego Catholic Diocese, will receive an honorary mencernent ceremonies at 8,30 a.m. Sunday, an doctorate of humane letters degree for his contri- hour earlier than in previous years. The graduation butions to the university and to the community. program will be held at Aztec Bowl with Philip Robert and Dorothy DeBolt, a couple who have Habib, President Reagan's diplomatic trou- raised their own six children and have adopted and ble-shooter, delivering the commencement address raised 14 multiply handicapped youngsters, will to the 6,106 students receiving bachelor's and receive honorary graduate degrees at ceremonies master's degrees. Sunday morning, when eight doctoral degrees and SDSU valedictorian is Debbie Kay Viste, 21, of 209 master's degrees are to be awarded.

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