Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

las eieoratett P ntif· cal mass , a celebra ed by B sh p Buddy, wt h Archbishop Can ell pre. 1ding. Officer of the mas~ were the R • Rev. { i?r. John i Hegarty, archprie. ; the Rev. William Casey as deacon; the Rev. Charles Loftu,. ~<1bdeacon: the Rev. Daniel O'Donoghue and the Rev. f. J. O'Connor as masters of ceremonies. The Re\'. John A. Da– ley. O. S. A., and the Rev. Thomas Mc" ·amara were deacons of honor. To these priests was g1yen the task of carrying out the ceremonial and to them was given the great privi– lege and great responsibility of the succe s which they .o well earned. It was one of the most ,beautiful ceremonials ever seen in San Diego. The papal bull, naming Bi hop Buddy as the first bishop of the new See. was read by the Very Rev. William Kelly, 0. S. A. The entire program was broad– cast by KFSD and loudspeakers carried the program to the waiting thJ"Ong in the streets. Bishops in attendance at the cere– mony included the Most Rev. Joseph M. Gilmore, D. D., bishop of Helena, Mont.; the Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, D. D., bishop of Amarillo, Tex.; the Most Rev. Philip G. Scher, D. D., bishop of Monterey– Fresno; the Most Rev. Gerald Shaughnessy, S. M., S. T. D., bishop of Seattle; the Most Rev. Charles Hubert Le Blond, D. D., bishop of St. Joseph, Mo.; the Most Rev. Rob– ert J. Armstrong, D. D., bishop of Sacramento; the Most Rev. Daniel j J. Gucke, D. D., bishop of Tucson, 1 Ariz. Ceremony Explained Because of the widespread inter– est in the enthronement o! the first bishop of San Diego, a brief ex- 1 planation of the ceremonies from the time the bishop enters the church on the morning of enthrone– ment follows: In the vestibule of the cathe– dral the pastor presents the as– pergil to the bishop, who signs himself, and presents it to the archbishop, who signs himself, and sprinkles those around them. The pastor then presents the thurible to the bishop who puts in and blesses incense. The pastor then incenses the archbishop and the bishop. When this ceremony begins, the master of ceremonies halts the procession and when it is concluded starts the procession and gives the sign for the choir director to begin the "Ecce Sa· cerdos." the sanctuary the pastor, who is acting as assistant priest, goes to his usual place beside the episcopal throne. The bishop goes to the kneeler before the altar on the epistle side. The archbish– op goes to the kneeler on the gospel side. Both kneel in prayer. At the signal they both arise and bow to each other. The arch– bishop takes the throne, and the bishop goes to the place prepared for him on the epistle side. The priest appointed to read the bulls, with reverences to the blessed sacrament and the choir, goes to the throne, makes a pro– found bow, and receives the bull and its translation from the arch– bishop. Then, with reverences and a profound bow to the bish– op, he goes to the pulpit and reads the bull and its translation. As soon as it is finished, the book and candle bearers go to the archbishop, who intones the "Te Deum" and remains standing. The bishop with his chaplains goes to the kneeler in :front of the altar and remains standing. Bishop Sings Prayer At the signal, all kneel during the supplicatory versicle "Te Er– go Quaesumus."' At the conclu– sion of the "Te Deum'' the arch– bishop sings the versicles and prayer from the book presented to him by the book bearer. The bishop then kneels on the kneeler. The pastor, at the epistle cor– ner of the altar. sings the "Pro– tector Noster, ~tc.'' The archbishop with his chap– lains descends from the throne, the chaplains standing back in the center of the sanctuary. The archbishop goes to the bishop, takes his hand and leads him to the throne, the bishop's chaplains following him. The crozier is given to the archbishop who then places it in the left hand of the bishop who is now on the Episco– pal throne. The bishop's chap- In

lams heir proper place a the throne. The archbishop then Joins his own chapla111s m the center of the sanc·uary and goes to the throne on the Ep1 tle side of the sanctuar . The b1 -bop 1s seated on the thron . Ins chap– lams remainlniz standmg while all the diocesan pr ests come to the throne with proper reverence and make their obedience, kissing his rmg. When the obedience of the Di– ocesan priests has been concluqed the bishop takes the crozier, and. with reverences to the choir, goes to the center of the altar where he gives up the crozier and mitre. He genuflects, ascends the altar ·with his assistants, kisses the altar in the center, and goes to the Book at the Epistle side which has been opened at the Mass of St. Didacus. The pastor, or other priest ap– pointed for this purpose, sings the Antiphon and versicle of St. Did– acus to which the choir responds. Then the bishop sings "Dominus Vobiscum" and the Prayer of St. Didacus. He goes to the center of the altar and there gives the Pon– tifical blessing. At this time he receives the· mitre and crozier before he turns to impart the blessing. The bishop then goes directly to the Episcopal throne where he removes the Cope and is vested for solemn pontifical mass. The deacon and subdeacon go to the throne to assist in the ceremony of vesting the bishop. Solemn Pontifical mass then proceeds as usual. The music for the mass :follows: Organ Preludes Gregorian Fantasy (R o y al A. Brown). Prelude in D minor, from "Three Preludes and Fugues for the Organ" (Mendelssohn). Grand Offertoire in G min or (Franck). Solemn Processional on the Gre– gorian Themes, "Ecce sacerdos mag– nus" and the "Tonus Peregrinus" (Kreckel). Solemn Processional, "Ecce sacer– dos magnus" (Rev. Matthias Lani), choir, orchestra and organ. Gregorian hymn, "Te Deum Lau– damus." Solemnis (Vatican graduale). I Music at Solemn High Mass Introitus, "Justus ut palma" (Gre– gorian chant), choir and organ. "Kyrie eleison," from "Missa bre- vis in hon. S. Aloisii Gonzagae." opus 34 (V. Goller), choir, orchestra and organ. "Gloria in excelsis Deo" (Goller). Graduale, "Os justi meditabitur" (Rev. Lani), choir and organ. "Credo in unum Deum" (Goller). Offertorium, "In virtue tua" (Rev. Lani). "Sanctus" (Goller). "Benedictus" (Goller). "Agnus Dei" (Goller). Communio, "Amen dice vobis quod vos" (Gregorian chant). Music Following Mass Recessional, Creator's hymn, "The Heavens Are Resounding" (Beetho- ven), choir, orchestra and organ. alee

Catholic Dignitaries Honor Head of Diocese

Participating in the impressive rites yesterday at the installation of San Diego's first bishop were (left to right): Dr. Joseph T. McGucken (in front), secretary to Archbishop John J . Cant- well; the Rev. T. J, McNamara; Bishop Charles F. Buddy, and the Rev. J. A. Daley. 1

Blond, who was Bishop Buddy·s su-1 seph; Miss Ann Elizabeth Dandu- Organ sortie, "Fiat Lux," No. 8 from "Douze Pieces Nouvelles (Du- perior in St. Joseph, Mo., before the rant, Holy Cross, Ind.;· Dr. and Mrs. bois). latter was elevated to the bishopric. I Edward P. Buddy, St. Louis, Mo.; When Bishop Buddy arrived in Others in the party were William J. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Frien, Belleville, San Diego Tuesday morning he saw McGinnis, representing the mayor Ill.; Daniel J. Redmond, Laurelton, • for the first time the city where the of St. Joseph, under whom Bishop Long Island, N. Y.; Miss Martha first mass was said in California, the Buddy served as a member of the Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Law– city where the first mission was city health board; the Very Rev. ler of St. Joseph; Mrs. John Good– built, the city where he will make Joseph M. Sullivan, S. M. Marist rich and John Goodrich jr. of St. his home and preside over the dio- seminary, Brookland, D. C.; the Very Jo~ph acompanied Mr. Goodrich; cese comprising the counties of San Rev. Paul P. Waldron, director of James R. Farrell (Bishop Buddy's Diego, Imperial, Riverside and San St. Columban's Foreign Missions so- uncle). and Dr. and Mrs. H. Will Bernardino. ciety of St. Columban's, Neb.; the Elders, all of St. Joseph. He was captivated immediately by Rt. Rev. Philip Ruggles, 0.S.B.. ab- I the beauty of the city and the hos- bot of Conception abbey, Concep– pitality of the people. He was take,1 tion, Mo.; the Rt. Rev. James P.

from the train to his new home at Brady, V. G.; the Rev. Leo J. Rug– Pt. Loma by Albert V. Mayrhofer, gle, the Rev. Charles Nowland, the K.C.H.S., who was head of the lay- Rev. P. O'Connor and the Rev. Ca- l men's committee looking after the mill Marosz. all of St. Joseph. ceremonies necessary in the coming I John Goodrich, general agent for of the new bishop to reside among I the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific I us. Railway Co.. which provided the Many in Party private car for the party; Mrs. Louis In Bishop Buddy's party on the J. Danduran . Mrs. Daniel J. Red– special coaches attached to the train mond. Mrs. John Goldsmif1. Mr. and was the Most Rev. Charles H. Le- l Mrs. John A. McGee, all o! St. Jo-

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