Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

That is

came. Plant life builds up; animal life tears do-.,n.

the difference botuccn the t110 kingdoms. And so in our homes, as in the plant uorld, the simple elements of charactor-building– love, mutual affection , truthfulness, honesty, sincerity, regard for tho feelings and rights of others are just as essential to th~ development of character and personality, as carbon, hydro– gen and oxygen aro essential for the creation of the plant and its fruit. And as in tho plant uorld , nothing can gro~ to full fruition oxcopt in tho presence of chlorophyl activated by sun– shine, so in the home lifo, noble and useful characters cannot gror:- and develop except in the prosence of that mysterious in– fluence which ~c call religion, activated bv the sunshinG of God's presence. My observation of life convinces me of this as a fc.ct, from 1-;-hich there is no variation or shado...-:- of turning. Therefore, I have d11ol t upon tho home from r;-hi ch Bishop Buddy sprang to explain tho phenomenon of his life, and to account for the qualities that havo made that life useful. Woll, some one may say again, "Vlha t docs a doctor know about sudh things?n These arc things that ovory one should kno-r:-, whethe r he be doctor, lawyer, me rchant, prince, carpenter, sailor, farmer or ~hatnot. I mnkc no apologies for speaking of them in an analysis of tho lifo of Bishop Buddy . And so, TIO ore hero this afternoon to honor Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of the Catholic Church, uho has lived in our midst nll his life, and TThom TTO shall so sorely miss in all tho vmrk of community betterment- religious, social and cf.vie. When first I came into the Buddy family as doctor nearly fifty ago, Bishop Buddy Tias a baby in his mother 's arms . I havo knoun him continuously since that ti~c, through child– hood, youth, young manhood and nmturo life. Ho probably cannot remember tho time 1.hcn h0 did not kno~ mo . Bishop Buddy was given tho same educational opportunities that tho other children of tho family u0ro given, and than special training for his lifc-,mrk as a priest. He ucnt to tho Little Convent of the Sacred Heart, Christian Brothers' College, St . Benedict's College, St. Mnry 's College in Kansas, and the North .American College in Rome whore ho remained for six years preparing himself for the priesthood, and Tihore ho vms ordained a priest in 1914. Returning to St. Joseph in 1915 he bccam8 Assistant Pastor at the Cathedral and Chaplain to St . Joseph's Hospi ta.l ~

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