Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

BISHOP'SFIRST APPOINTMEMT IS OF COMMITTEE OF PRIFSTS TO GUIDE CATHOLIC YOUTH Father~ Ott and 1. lc amara To Attend Conference On Youth in tah . peak at several of the sessions, as \\i ll the Rev. Daniel A . Lord, S.J. Other speakers will include the presidents of both national coun- cils; the Rev. Vincent Mooney,

Bishop~uddy and Seniors

Looking forward to a well or - gnnized Cathol!c YouLh Organ iza- tion in the Diocese of San Diego, H,s Excellency, Bishop Charles Frnnc:.s Buddy made his first dio- ces n committee appointment last ,,eek-end in endorsing t he ap- pointment of th e Rev. Fracis Ott, originally named for this district by Archbishop John J . Cantwell, :'IS diocesan director of C.Y.O. ac- tivities and in the appointment of five priests to form a board of di- iectors to work witl1 Father Ott and the young people of the dio- cese. Besides Father Ott, who is pas- tor of St. Mary's church, National City, priests named on the board by Bishop Buddy include the Rev. T. J. McNama ra, La Jolla; the Rev. Da niel O'Donoughue, Coro- nado; the Rev. Michael O'Connor, , ·t. Bernardine's parish, San Ber- nardino; the Rev. Edward F. Han- non, Calexico, and ihe Rev. Wil- ham J. Casey, St. Didacus parish , :'hn Diego. Attend Convention Representing the diocese of San Diego, Father Ott and Father Mc- Namara are on their way to Salt Lake, Utah , to attend the National Catholic Welfare Council regional youth conference being held there this week-end under the auspices of the National Council of Catholic Men and Catholic Women. The conference opens Saturday mcrning with some of the foremost youth leaders in the United States as speakers at the t wo-day session. Four bishops will speak at the ses- sions including the Most Rev. J ames E . Kearney, D.D., Bishop of Salt Lake; the Most Rev. Robert Armstrong, D.D., Bishop of Sacra- mento; t he Most Rev. John F. Noll, D.D., Bishop of Fort Wayne, and the Most Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara, D.D., Bishop of Great Falls. Miss Anne Sarachon Hooley, N.C.C.W., chairman of youth, who has two sisters residing in San Diego, will

c.s.c ., director of national youth bureau; Miss Kimpel, field secre- tary for the n ational bureau and the governor of Utah , the Honor- able Henry H . Blood.

i:;enior students at Our LaGy or Peace Academy »ersuaded His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, to pose with them for a picture on his first visit to Villa Montemar last week. They are shown in the beautiful Italian gardens. Reading from left to right 4.'>ack row), Emilia Ibarrola, Blanche Mora, Lucille Brun- ner, Marta Guajardo, Frances Robichan, Bishop Buddy, Claire Teichman, Marian Collins, Margaret Ann Holler, Ellen Mondlock, Geneva Martindale; (front row), Virginia Barton, lUargaret Lyons, Janice Hahn, Becky Torrey, Beverly Manzer, Betty Clarke, Lois Baumstarck and Betty Normile. Cardinal Dougherry, Prelates Given ! Reception on Arrival Back From Manila Eucharistic Congress I Santa Fe; Archbishop Joseph F. Bishop Buddy Present Last Rummel, of New Orleans; Arch- Evening at Event in bishop Nicholas Dobrecic; Bishop San Francisco Gerald P . O'Ha ra, Savannah, Ga.; Bishop J. P. Mcclosky, Manila; P. delphia and Papal Legate "a La- Lynch, Dallas; Bishop Manuel Fu- tere" to the 33rd International Eu- cheri, Mexi_eo Ci!y; Bishop E . V. charistic Congress held in Manila, Byrne Manila; B 15 hop Thomas K. li'eb. 3 to 7, accompanied by His IGorma~ , no. _ I E 11 th M t Rev John Denms arctinal Doughe ty, Ii, xce ency, e os . . . J Mitt D D A . hb' h f San 1s Archbishop of the See of Phila- . y, .., 1c 1s op o Id . F · · d • Sa Fi·ail elphia wlth a population of 824,- rancisco, arnve 1n n - . . cisco, Wednesday, aboard the Eu- 25 ° Ca th .011 cs a nd ~etropo~tan. of charistic Congress pilgrimage ship, the Provn~ce of Philadelphia, with Tatsuta Maru, and were honored a populatwn of 2,080,788 souls in last evening with a banquet and six sees. reception, which was attended by 1 . ------- hundreds. Among those present to greet His Eminence Dennis Cardinal Bishop Dougherty, Archbishop of Phila- Cheyenne; Patrick A. McGovern, Bishop Joseph


L rge Cr wd Bishop at B ac Reception Following the celebration of 3 o'clock Mass at Sacred Heart Church , Ocean Bearh, Sunday morning, H is Excellency, Bi hop Charles F rancis Buddy \Yas non- ored at a breakfast ancl i\:ception I in Ocean Beach \Vom 11·,; club- house, which was att ndcd by the en tire parish. I The bishop was c ·cortc rl into the church a nd to the brcakf t by tha Knights of Columbus' uniformed drill team. The Rev. P . A.. Connolly, pastor of, t he beach parish. introduced Bishop Buddy and welcomed h im, as did Thomas Hughes for the men of the parish and Mrs. Fling for the Altar society. Little J ac- quelyn Marshall and David Elsey I presen ted the bishop with bouquets of flowers. Bishop Buddy spoke mformal!y to the three hundred who gathered I for the breakfast, tellin" of many experiences in the ca t and closed I I with a request for prayers that h e 1 migh t serve h is people well. I Following the breakfast those present were gi\·en an opportunity of meeting the bishop and talking j' with him. Friday, Marcl1 12, rn:37 Bishop to Confirm First Class e x t Week at Co ella r H!s Excellrncy. the Mo;:t Re,·. Charles F l'ancis Buddy. DD.. will confirm h is first cla"s ll"XL \Vcd- n esday. S t. Patr:ck's D w at Coachella. California. in Rh·cr- side county. The Rev. Joseph H 11 is pa;:tm· of Our Lady of Soledad pari~h and the Confirm t:on ch«; ha been prepared for the Sacramc:1, b:; the Society of Mi•sionary Ca tcchi.5ts.


the distinguished churchmen last / evening was His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, DD., Bishop of San Diego, who has been installecr in his diocese here on the opening day of the , Manila Congress. Bishop Buddy was accompanied 011 his trip north by Brother Ara.tor Justin of the Christian Brothers order who had been in San Diego on business for 1 his order. Other prela tes presf!nt at the reception last evening included , many who were returning from Manila. They were: Archbishop Rudolph Gerken, of

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