Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

----• ---- CEREMONY AT ABBEY : t :E Coadjutor Abbot Schappler c Will Be Consecrated. I Bishop Charles F. Buddy to , Give Sermon Wednesday at Conception, Mo. Special to The • 'ews-Press. CONCEPTION, Mo., April 10.- Fifty-page souvenir pamphlets, translated Into English from Latin and published by the Conception Abbey Altar and Home Press, will be distributed to the invited guests and the public attending the conse-


THREE HOURS ARRANGED FOR GOOD FRIDAY Cathedral, St. John's Church And Our Lady of Guada- lupe to Have 'Tres Ores' I LARGE CHOIRS TO SING I Bishop Buddy to Take Part In Holy Thursday, Good Friday Services For the first time. Holy Week services in San Diego will be par- ticipated in by a member of th: hierarchy, for His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., has signified his intention. not only of presiding a~ the bless- ing of Holy Oils on Holv Thurs- day and taking part in the Three Hours Agony services at St. Jo- seph's Cathedral on Good ..?riday. but of presiding at the ceremony of the "Washing of the Feet of the Apostles" held annually at Our Lady of Guadalupe church on Holy Thursday at 3 o'clock. Three Hours of Agony services will be held on Good Friday in three parishes, that of the Ca'he- · dral, St. John's church at Lincoln and Normal streets, and of the national Mexican church, Our La- • dy of Guadalupe, 19th and Kear- ney streets. Starting at 12 o'clock, the devotions will be held until 3 o'clock, in the usual manner with the seven devotional sermons and meditations being interspersed by the choir's singing of "The Seven Last words" by Dubois. His Excellency, Bishop Buddy, will assist the Rt. Rey. Msgr. Joh11 M. Hegarty, V. F., and priests of St. Joseph's parish in conducting the Three Hours at the Cathedral. The large Cathedral choir. direct- ed by Dr. Rosenberg, with Royal A. Brown at the organ, will sinr, a special an-angement of Dubois' "Seven Last Words.''


Approval of plans for the first Diocesan convention of the Catho- lic Youth Organization was given by His Excellency Bishop Buddy at a conference with committee members. Left to right: Charles Bor- gerding, Bishop Buddy, Rod McLeod, council president; and the Rev. Francis Ott Diocesan Director of Catholic Youth. ' -Cut courtesy San Diego Union. CYO GIVEN WELCOME TO THE CYO-A thousand welcomes! Eager and glad to see this day, we salute and bless you and pray for you endu1ing gifts. You have come from home of probity, piety and patriot- ism where you have learned admirable lessons of heroic life. Living in these times, you must feel deeply, even though dimly, that days of sharp struggle confront you. But your very pres- ence at this first Diocesan Convention of our organized young people stamps you as "doers of the Word." Thus you stand not in the twilight of doubt and uncertainty, but in the bright morning of Catholic action. Wisdom and courage are the ele- ments of success, the eyes and hands expressive of achievement. May· the Divine Spirit of Knowledge and Fortitude guide your deliberations. Let yow; love for God and country be knq_wn to ( all men. ~CHARLES F. BUDDY, Bishop of San Diego. -----------------------------· Bishop Buddy Pays Tribute to Benedictine Order in Sermon at Blessing of New Abbey Superior

Coadjutor Abbot Schappler Who will be consecrated at a ceremony to be held Wednesday morning at the abbey at Conception, Mo. Blsbop Charles F. Buddy w!I! deliver the sermon. cration of Coadjutor Abbot Stephen Schappler, 0. S. B., here Wednes• day morning, The pamphlets will describe the age-old ceremony. Bishop C. H. LeBlond will be as- sisted in the blessing at the altar by two abbots, the Right Rev. Philip Ruggle of Conception Abbey, and the Right Rev. Ignatius Esser of St. Meinrad Abbey, Indiana. The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy of San Diego, Cal., will preach the sermon. The Rev. Robert Graham of Maryville. Mo.; the Rev. Leo Wis- sing of Mendota, Ill.; the Rev. Pat- rick Cummins, 0. S. B., of Concep• tion Abbey, and the Rev. John Kun- kel, 0. S. B., Springfield, will be the deacons of honor. The mandate, which is a general apostolic com- mand issued at all abbatial bless- ings, will be read by the Rev. Rich- ard Felix, 0. S. B., of Pilot Grove, Mo. The Rev. Basil Odermatt, O. S. B., of Sioux City, Iowa, will be assistant priest. In the ceremony, the abbot will begin his mass at his own altar until the offertory. where he will make the traditional offering of the symbolic two vessels of wine, two loaves of bread and two can- dles to the bishop, as also takes place in the consecration of a bish- op. From this point on the abbot will say mass conjointly with the bishop. After the consecration, the at• tending members of the hierarchy and clergy will dine in the abbey refectory. and the ladies of the Con- ception parish will serve the lay wor.shipers in the parish hall. About ten abbots and five bishops are expected to attend the solemn ceremony. Abbot Stephen, who is the third spiritual father of the Conception community, is the youngest abbot in the United States. Conception Abbey was founded in 1873 by Ab- bot Frowin Conrad, while the sec- ond superior was Abbot Philip Ruggle, who retired from the post of command and ls now chaplain at the Benedictine Convent of Per- I petual Adoration at Clyde, Mo. I

At the Solemn Blessing in Con- ception, Missouri, of Conception's new Abbott, the Right Rev. ,Stephen Schappler, on Wednes- day, April 1, His Excellency, Charles F. Buddy, of San Diego, who preached the sermon, likened the ceremony to a wedding, wherein a portion of Christ's flock is entrusted to its Abbott. He traced from the heights of Monte Cassino and the Rule which St. Benedict wrote and practiced there, the source of the "unfaltering Benedictine tradi- tion" of the apostolate, which finds re-echo in the present cere- . mony. The Dialogues, wherein Pope Gregory the Great related the chief events in the life of St. Benedict, found another echo, the speaker said, in the Divine Come- dy of Dante. Bishop Buddy also pointed out / the Pioneers, Abbots Frowin Con- rad of Conception and Martin Marty of St. Meinrad, Bishop Hogan of St. Joseph, Father Pow- I ers of Conception, and the Con- ception Colony itself, whose la- : bors, under God, made possible ; the joy of today.

I The speaker singled out for spe- cial notice two dates, the begin- nmg of the Solemn Divine, Office, necember 25, 1873, and the open- ' ing of Conception College in Sep- tember, 1883, who cun-iculum, he ,.said, is vouched for by the quality of its alumni, especially its alumni of the clergy who were present in their strength for this occasion. He added a tribute to the good Judgment; and achievements of 'the retiring Abbot Philip, anct to the program of study, toil and labor to which the community is devot- ed. The ceremony of Blessing an Abbot, said Bishop Buddy, is a handing over to the Abbot by th~ Bishop in the name of the Church, the Rule, the Flock, the Crozier, the Ring, and the Abbatial Auth- ority, which are the five Talents, from which the Great Shepherd I of the flock will expect a harvest / of increase. His Excellency, the Most Rev. I C. H. LeBlond, bishop of St. Jo- seph, officiated at the blessing. as- sisted by two Abbots. Several Bishops and a number of abbots were included in the nearly 200 members of the clergy present at the ceremonies.

The Rev. J. B. Cotter, pastor ot St. John's church, will conduct the Three Hours services at St. John's. Edwin A. Thill will direct the s'nging of "The Seven Last Words," while Mrs. Herney wil! preside at the organ. Pries·s of the Augustinian Rec- ollect order will assist the Rev. Damian Gobeo, A. R., pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church, in the holding of the "Tres Ore·· services. The same musical score used in the other churches will be used at Our Lady of Guadalupe church, with the choir being di- rected by Cosme Acosta, famec'. baritone, who was formerly from the Milan opera.


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