Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

homes ~ith tho passing of tune. I do not think it ncccsscry to prolong a dcscri::,tion of the many good quoli tie:s ,:hi ch I helve di scovcrcd in this man, or to recite the many things that I hnvo kno~n him to do for the betterment of those distressed, hard hit, discourcred ond confu:-,ed -r:i th tho tragedies of life thnt hod befallen them. Another spanker r:ill dY:oll upon tttcsc things. For myself, I ncknOi.-:lcdgo in this open fashion that Bishop Buddy has been o helpful, inspiring influence in my life. For the City of St. Joseph, I nm o ~itnoss to tho feet that ho has boon a benediction to thousands of our citizens to 1.hom tho rood of life T.-~ns rough and 1:00.risomc, and blocked by ovor~holming disaster. It is my belief thot tho most nccoptnblc service that one ccn re:ndcr God is doing good to one's follO\:-mcn. Bishop Buddy ~cnt nbout doing good. Docs not th2t comnnss it all? C~n I say nnything better thnn that about him? And nor: I om sure thn t I voi cc the scnti:ncn ts of ell 1.hcn I bid Bishop Buddy good-bye in tho beautiful longuogo of that old Apostolic Secretary to Pope Boniface IX, Francesco Giovanni of five hundred yo~rs agonc- lfAnd so nt this Christmo.s-timo I great you, not as tho ~orld sends greetings, but ~1th profound ostocm, and ~1th the prayer for you no~ and forever thn t tho dny brcnks and the shndo-r;s floe n1,oy. 11


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