Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


Tertiaries Invited to Aid in



Instruction of Underprivileged

for the Di ce e o Sa


gele , as well as several m mbers of the Clregy Third Order regular. the Rev. F. A. Wekenman, the Rev. William Van Garsse and the Rev. 'M. J. O'Connor. Interesting and informal were the several talks made by the Re\'. Father James. O.F.M., spiritual director of the Third Order: Gar- rick O'Brien and Theodore Streff, outgoing and incoming prefects of the fraternity and Judge William Collard.

Speaking of the overwhelming thousands of Catholic Mexican people in the Diocese of San Di- ego, Hi Excellency Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, answering thEl r pledge of assistance, invited mem- bers of the Third Order of St. Francis, who tendered him an in- formal dinner Sunday evening in Old Town, to aid in the instruc- tion in the Faith of the countless numbers of these children. Recognition of the work of Miss Caroline Shannon in the building of the Old Town Catechetical hall, where the dinner was held, and of the training of the children in that vicinity since 1916, was also acknowledged by the bishop, who paid tribute to her endeavors and that of other Tertiaries whom he had met since coming to San Di- ego. The hall was filled to capacity with members of the Third Order, , which has a membership in San Diego of 500. Present also at the I dinner, was the Rev. Dominic Ii Gallardo, O.F.M. and another Franciscan priest from Los An- - - -

-1 37-

Th T ,entcn Fa..,t l egin · on

h "crlne da. •. February

10, 19;H, and encl · on Holy atun1ay, at noon, larch ~7. UJ87 I

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THE GI: . • R. J, L W OF F. TI 'G

< 1 l All days of Lent, except Sunday . ar~ Fas days. (2) All persons who ha\e completed their twenty-first war of age, and have not yet commenced then· s1xt1eth year, and arc no especially exempted or legitimately di.pensed, are bound under pain of mortal sin to fast. (3) Those obliged to fast are allowed one full meal. which may be taken either at noon or in thr evening. At this full meal they are allowed the use of flesh meat on all the days of Lent, ex- cept on all Wednesdays and Fridays, on the Saturday of Em- ber Week, and on Holy Saturday before noon. (4> Besides this full meal a collation or light lunch may be taken which as a rule should not exceed the fourth part of a full meal, about eight ounces of food. (5J In the morning a cup of coffee, tea, or chocolate. with a piece of bread

BISHOP BUDDY VISITS US D URING the month of June we had the privilege of receiving a visit from the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D. D., Bishop of San Diego, in whose di ocese we have three mission-centers- at Redlands, Brawley, and Coachella. After offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in our chapel at Victory-Noll, the Bishop surprised us with an informal talk. He began: "This gives me the 1 I offered this Mass to God in thanksgiv- ing for yo.u and for the zealous work the Catechists are doing in the Diocese of San Diego. I don't know what we would do in our diocese without the Catechists. They fill a very important need. It would mean that at least thirty- five or forty thousand people would be lost to the Faith. A special grace goes with your particular work. "At first sight it would be a most dis- couraging outlook fo1· a Bishop in a dio- cese like San Diego, without the Cate- chists and the help, under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, which your Commu- nity has given us in that immense field of 35,000 square miles. So I have thank- ed God this morning with a full heart, in sincerity and truth, for the Catechists of Victory-Noll. I am beginning to realize and to understand now what St. Paul meant when he said, 'I thank God for you all'." Then the Bishop told us of some of the particular problems he must meet and of his plans for the future. San Diego is a new diocese, "cut out" of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles about two years ago. Conservatively speaking, 80,000 Mexicans are scattered throughout the diocese. Most of them are migratory workers. As Bishop Buddy says, they have souls and they have suffered for the Faith. "Perse- cution, ignorance, and poverty make their appeal all the greater to us." He realizes that catecbetical centers, not parochial schools, must be provided for the chil- dren of these Mexicans. "So what we need," said the Bishop, "is Catechists; not better Catechists, but more Cate- chists." Bishop Buddy has promised to write an article for THE MISSIONARY CATE- very delightful opportu- nity of expressing my appreciation of the Cate- chists of Victory-Noll. It was indeed with a heart of loving gratitude that

CHIST in which he will explain the necessity, in a diocese like this, of pro- moting catechetical in- struction i,11 the public schools rather than the building of parochial schools.

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