Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

Bishop Buddy's Diocese Is Land of Exotic People A co.orful, picturesque land, teeming with exotic people-Me. trans , and Ame1•ican Indians-a,: well a.- thousand~ of residents from the Middle 1''est, is the ne · San Diego diocese of Bishop Charles F. Buddy, he said last night in an interview in St. Joseph following th.- funeral , service..- for the :Most Rev. Francis Johannes, bishop o! Leavenworth. Bishop Buddy stayed overnight at the home of his sister, Mrs. Louis J. T)andurnnt, 424 South •---------------- Ninth street, and will leave tonight to absorb folk lore of the earliest for San Diego. Americans, the Indians, fo 1· he has !our Indian paliahes as well as "The people o! San Diego gave me seven Mexi~an parishes. This his- a most cordial welcome," said the toric atmosphere-in the land of the former St. Joseph priest, who last first Spanish padres to Christianize fall was elevated to the bishopric · · the Western shore of America-has the pope. Invigorated the prelate spiritually "Under,;tanding and sympathetic, and physically, and he is in excel- thll people and the newspapers of lent health de.spite much traveling my diocese have given me splendid about his diocPse, which contains co-operation, realizing that much 34,000 square miles. work yet remains for me in th Last Sunda ,, Bi,.hop Buddr dedi- , f'stablishing- of the diocese.'' Bishop Buddy has an opportunity -- - ----------- ---j----=--~~---- cated • new Mexican church at

BISHOP BUDDY EULOGIZE PRELATE AT LE YE. ·woRTIL [Speci to The Gazett, ] LEAVE-,,VORTH, Kan., March 11.-The funeral sermon for the Most Rev. Francis Johannes, bishop of the Leavenworth diocese, waa de- livered by Bishop Charles F. Buddy I of San Diego today. The California prelate and Bishop Johannes were priests in St. Joseph. • ''In His divine providence, God I chose for Francis Johannes a home acquainted with poverty, suffering and privation, but where the light of faith burned brightly under the inspiration of good and virtuous parents," said Bishop Buddy, ex- tolling the late Leavenworth bishop \ as the "shepherd and Father in Christ" to priests of the Leaven- worth diocese. Three archbishops, fifteen bishops, a score of monsignors and 250 priests attended the rites, which were followed by interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery on the grounds of St. Mary's College here. The solemn pontifical requiem high mass was celebrated by Arch- bishop John J. Glennon of St. Louis, with Archbishops John G. Murray of St. Paul and J. A. Rummel of New Orleans assisting. The serv- ices in the Cathedral of the Im- maculate Conception were attended by 3,500 people. Bishop Buddy traced the educa- tion of the late Bishop Johannes In St. Joseph, St. Benedict's College at Atchison, and at St. Francis' Seminary in Milwaukee. "We priests of St. Joseph knew him best as the ideal priest," con- tinued Bishop Buddy. "We mar- veled at the long hours he kept vigil in the confessional. In each func- tion of his sacred office, whether at a marriage feast or at the bed- side of the dying, his presence brought inspiration for the better things. "The eloquence of Bishop Johan- nes brought many souls to the truth. His advent to the diocese of Leavenworth was greeted by a Joyal and enthusiastic priesthood. It mattered not whence he came nor sent by Rome. "Like St. Paul, he was all things to all men, but the orphans, the poor, the halt and the lame will grieve most at his passing." In closing, Bishop Buddy said: "And so, dear Bishop Johannes, hero of my youth, and inspiration of later years, my devoted friend, farewell. In our own halting way we have tried to Imitate the consol- ing messages by which in your day you lifted the hearts of thousands in affliction."~ -----•----- how obscure sufficient that he was


Uplanus, Cal., and he is constantly on th~ move throughout California, attending conferences connected with his work. He recent~· went to San Francisco and Fr no on church business, and will re urn to St. Joseph April 14 for the blessing of th!' new abbot, Father Stephen, at Conception Abbey. Bishop BU

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