Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


Hierarc y at Industrial Conferenee

Example of Comn1 nit:{

·gy and Laity "Gnite to


Make Ses~ion::; Out. :tanding

The regiouaf meetmg of the Catholic londay and Tue ·da , l\Iarch 8 and 9, r 1ched its climax at the closing sE.,sion and dinner meetin The ballroom of the l'alifornia hotel was filled to capac1 y. The conference program atfracted more than communi v-wide interest inasmuch as more than 57 towns in Califon. ·a and every dioce~e in the state of California were repr "ented. A survey of the audience proved the community ,p.terest, as in it were public official~. reprcsentati\•es of Fres'f!o state college. the ,•arious soc-ia l 'onfere..ce on Industrial Prol.Jlen ::;, held in Fre,no

I ao-encie~, civic and religion~ ur- g;nizations, m~h1bers oi the _7\lin- isterial union,' and a prommc,nt rabbi of the city. The pre,ence of 57 members of the Catholi,; priesthood marked the closing a~ unique. The presence of four members of the Hierarchy, the Most Rev. John J. Cantwell. Archbishop of Los Angeles; the l\Iost Rev. Charles F. Buddy, newly-installed Bishop of San Diego; tl!e Uo~t


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ReY. Robert Armstrong, Drnhop of Prominent members of the Hierarc~y of California were gue~ta of the Most Re_v. Ph1hp G. Scher, Sacramento-all guests of the Bishop of Monterey-Fresno, at the Catholic Con~er ence on Industrial Problems held_ m Fre~no March 8 Most Rev. Philip G. Scher, sp•m- 1 and 9. Pictured above from left to right are B10h op Charles F. Buddy of San Diego, B,cbo-, Scher, , ,·.or of the conference, added im- , Archbishop John J. Cantwell of Los Angeles, and Bi shop Robert Armstrong of Sacramento.-(Courtesy I portance and prestige to the oc- of The Fresco Bee.) j ca:s;on. Seated at the ~peakers' I jable with members of the Hier- archy were ;.\layor Leymal and

other ddin~uished guests. The Rt. Rev. l\f2gr. l\Iichael Sullivan, V.G., prc;;ided at the dinner meet:ng. The ,,peakcrs were the .;'.lost Rev. I Archhishop Cantwell, the Most Re\'. Philip Scher, Dr. James L. Hagerty of St. :\lary's college, Contra Costa county, and the Rev. 1 R. A. J.lcGowan. Bishop Scher took c>ccasion to I expre:,s com~letc satisfaction i_n I the succrss of the conference, l11s ,ippreciation of the splendid co- l operative Rpirit i:hown on all sides (Turn to Page 5 - Colmnn 4)

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