Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

DIEGO ('_ LIF R. 1 , I RIDAY, Jl' E

, 1937

, OL. -x\ I-- o. 5


Thousands Attend Catholic Ceremon·es


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Sunday morning saw thousands of civilians and service personnel present at the Naval Training Sta- tion for a Memorial Day Solemn Military Field Mass, while Sunday afternoon other thousands were present in the southeastern part of the city to honor the Blessed Sacrament in a Corpus Christi procession from Our Lady of Guadalu1ie church to St. Anne's I church. Above is shown the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy as he approached the Altar at the Field Mass, where he presided and preached the sermon... He is at- tended by his chaplains, the Rev. I J. T. Regan and the Rev. J. B. Cot- , ter. In the background in his papal knight robes is A. V. Mayrhofer, lay official assisting in plans for the da~ . At right His Excellency j Bishop Buddy is shown at the be- ginning of the Corpus Christi pro- cession. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, V.F., is shown carry- ing the Blessed Sacrament as the procession started from the door- way of Our Lady of Guadalupe church. (See stories on page 3) -Cuts courtesy San Diego Union


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