Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)
San Berna di o
St. Bernardin 's -
KIWANIANS HEAR BISHOP BUDDY IN EASTER MESSAGE "Roman guards stood over the tomb. On the third day there was a blinding light. Christ appeared. Raising His hands to heaven He asked forgiveness for those who had crucified Him. And today we observe Easter." Thus did the. Most Rev. Charles Francis B1,1ddy, hi$hop of the San Diego Catnolic dlo<:ese, yesterday recall the event wh7c)1 Sunday mil- lions furoughuut ··the world will solemnly observe. Speaking before Kiwanians Ki- wani-annes and:~aests in the' Don room, El Coi-leZ::'.hotel, Bishop Buddy recalled: :!au inciaent out- side the waili;"' oT . the great city which provides me with compelling proof of Christ's divinity." Dlth1e Mtitu/le "They had a law in the land that any woman caught in sin would be stoned to death. A howling mob stood outside the gates, stones in hand, ready to kill a woman caught in adultery. Christ appeared, in- quired into the disturbance. 'We are going to stcin.e her.' they shouted. And Christ asked 'Why?' They re- plied 'We have a law.' And Christ said, 'Let one innocent among you throw the first stone.' One by one they dropp~ their stones, sneaked away. Walking over to the woman Christ said, 'Go in pea-ce and sin n~ more.' That was divine." The resur_rection of Christ. Bishop Buddy continued, "is a joy for us. It stands as a victory over death - a victory that today provides us with the hope of life everlasting. After the black shadow of Good Friday disappeared, the light of Easter shone." Bishop Buddy, whose talk yester- day was his first before any local civic organization, was introduced by Msgr. John M. Hegarty. "I arr1 glad for the city that we have a new citizen," Msgr. Hegarty said in introducing the speaker. I "We have a man in our midst who will do his part as a citizen. He is I a man who will walk shoulder to shoulder with you in the task of malliing San Diego a better commu- nity." Creeds United Dr. Frank Lowe, chairman of the program, in presenting Msgr. Heg- arty, said that "Jew, Catholic and Protestant will be glad to stress spiritual things this week. I think it appropriate at this time to recall the words of Pope Pius XI, 'With- out authority given to God, author- ity on earth fades.' "I consider it a genuine pleasure to introduce Msgr. Hegarty, a man whose leadership in this community is known to us all.'' Preliminary to Bishop Buddy's address, the Bonham Brothers' Boys' band, under direction of Jules Jacques, played a concert of appro- priate selections. Both Msgr. Heg- arty and Bishop Buddy paid tribute to sponsors of the band for a band , which "you have built more wisely than even you can appreciate." ~ery Sherwin. club president, I presided at the meeting, which was the club's annual religious program.
;)laking his first visit to San Bernardino, His Excellency, Bishop Charles Francis Buddy, D.D., will celebrate Mass and administer the sacrament of Con- firmation to 170 children and adults, the largest class to be Confirmed by him, at St. Bernarcline·s Church, Sunday morning.
I Bishop Buddy to Visit Churches,
Institutions in San, I Largest County New Diocese county at any point. to Fa•her summer in the auditorium of the Franci~co Hamengildo Gnces bP- When His Excellency, Bishop 1 011 gs t11~ hor 1 or of being the fir-;t school each Sunday morning at - Charles Francis Buddy, D. D., 9 whitP man to enter the San Ber- visits for the first time this week- o'cloclc nardin:i valley in the vicinity oi end the largest of the four coun- The first Mass for the stunmei· San Bernardino. Father Garces ties that for his diocese, he will will be celebrated at Lake Ar ow- hat! accompanind the de Anza ex- find not only the largest county head this Sunday. The ev. P"dition in 1774. when it nogsecl in the Diocese of San Diego, but tl t · I d T~om_as Mat 1ew_s. a presen vis- 1e Colorado river near Yuma an the largest county in the United 1 tmg m Ireland, 1s pastor of }ioly made its way through the mnun- 1 States in area, for San Bernar- Rosary church, and Lhc Rev. D:i.n- tains south of Mt. San Jacinto. dino county is larger in area than ti · t t t Jd ·t f iel Ryan, ie assis an pas or. proceeding on __ to t_~1e; o s1 c o 1 1 several New England states com- . ij 0 L d f G d l . h lhe San Gab11el Mi:,s.on. I' bined. ur a y o ua a upe pans . 1 There he will find a dozen par- San Bernardino's national Mexi- Probably as a part of the gcn- 1 tshes taking care of the spiritual can church. is in charge of the era! movement of the missionar- duties of the Catholic people, the Spanish order of Augustinian ies to establish 1het~';selves in the ll I largest number of whom are lo- 1 Recollect Fathers, 1hc Rev. Den- interior valleys, Pad"·e Dumetz of cated in San Bernardino, where , nic Villafranca. A. R. pas'or. and the San Gab1icl Mission. founded I tlu-ee parishes, those of St. Ber- the Rev. Francisco La Piew. A. R., n Capilla at the Gauchama 1 pardine's, Holy Rosary and Our assistant. Rancho. known to us as Old San 1 Lady of Guadalupe, are located. . f Ch ·t f I Bernardino. on May 20, 1810. This st. Bernardine's parish, the U nd0 r th e S!S t ers O an Y I being the feast day of St. Bernar- largest In the city, has a fine par- th l;! Incarnate W~ rd ' San ~~n;;~= dine de Sienna, the Capilla was ish plant including a parochial dmo has beauti:ul mode . . named for the saint. However. school staffed by the Sisters of bed capacity hospital. ~t. Btrnai- no permanent building was con- ' the Immaculate Heart of Mary. dine's_ hospital, which ~as 1 d 5 own structed at the time. as the Desert The Very Rev. Patrick Dunne is beautiful private cI:ape an con- I Indians were so hos'.:ile that a l·ector of St. Bernardine's, assist- vent attached. strong garrison would have been ed by the Rev. Michael_ O'Con- 1 His Excellency, Bishop ruddy. necessary to maintain a chapel. nor and tne Rev. Franklm Hurd. will visit all of the paTishes and d t •t b t the Holy Rosary church, located at I institution of Sah r::-rnat \ Sparer tohes !nod_ permf1 .th_tl . . story o e n 1ans o 1s c!';e,.- this week-end and will fmd there t· · f th D" f s 1 D·ego 2466 Arrowhead avenue, has as It a welcome typical r.f the hospi- t 1 1 ° 11 Mo. . e ioc~sde 0 th alMex,i·~··an ·ts · · p to . e 1ss10n peno . e • ""' 1 m1ss10ns, at n and the re- 1 tality of San Bernardmo . I . · f th I sort, Lake Arrowhead, where Mass \ cccupat10n, the commg o . e will be celebrated through the Not only the Catholic people. Morn'.ons. and the New Mex'.can but non-Catholics as well will pa_y I colom_es and the da~s of the p1~n- honor to Bishop Buddy on his eers. is a story of t11al and ha1d- first visit to San Bernardino. for I ship. conquest and discovery - city and county officials will be the real beginning of San Bernar- well represented at the civic re- dino county. ception being tendered Bi:;hop Forceful chapters in the hi>1 ory Buddy Sunday evening by th e cf San Bernardino were formed by Knights of Columbus. San Ber- the coming- of the stage coach I nardino Council, No. 905. of which lines and the railroads, political I J. R. Garrity is grand knight. cliscuss10ns ond banditry. the dis- Early Hi.!','.ory covery of gold in Holcomb Valley. Many influences, many races. the controverw over the location and many decades have gone into of the court Home, finally razed the making of San Bernardino- in 1!l28. and the 11l~im;:itc division now a modern. rapiclly growing of Lhc county.
city. It has that inde1
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