Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

---- Father F. F. Hurd Named Pastor of Chino Parish Father Franklin F Hurd Wh'l w recently appointed dioc snn auditor \\RS l11s werk transferred to Ch1110 where he will take over the duties of pastor in a parish where the congTegation of Swisc farme1 · dair ·men and Mcxicar people, requires a p1;est wpo speaks both Spanish and Germar-. His knowledge of these langu- ages makes Father Hurd the available and logical priest for th~ post and the fact that the bishop takes him from an important po- sition in the Chancery to direcL the care of souls is an evidence of the importance that His Excellen- cy attaches to parish work. Fath- e;· Hurd had la ely taken chargr of the position of auditor and wa.-. performing the exacting duties of the office with great success when the vacancy occurred. \ The new pastor. who has a wel: deserved reputation for scholar-· ship and piety, was born rn Den- 1 ver, Colo .. June 28, 1904. and stu- died at S . Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park. He was ordai,ned a, st. Vibiana's cathedral, Los An- I geles, May 30. 1931. for the Dio- cese of Los Angeles and San Diego. I Rev. Father Brucker, whose place Father Hurd will take, be- came ill and the condition of his health required that he resign his I charge.

Here is a view of the church as the group started the dedicatory ceremonies, which were attended by more than 150 persons. The church will service Descanso, Pine Valley, Cuyamaca, and Los Terrinitos.

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