Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


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The r.i- •. i ltael Broll ne- From H'l, v1ll" to St. Anthony's Chmch. San Jacmto. Thi- Re •• lichaPJ Flahive- From La M sa to St Joseph's Church, 'Ba tow. The, Rev. J. . C. Ya.n \'egi;-el- From Barstow to S . Mary's Church, El Centro. The Rev. Patrick J. Kenny- From R,verS1de to Our Lady of Succor Church, Indio and Our Lady of Soledad Church, Coachella Re~1dence in Indio. The Rev. Michael O'Connor- Fl'Om San Bernardino to St. Patrick's Church, Calipatria The Rev. Thomas Kiernan- From San Diego to St. James' Chw·ch, Perris. with Alber- hill as l\liS!;ion. Residence at St. Francis Rectory. Elsinore. The Rev. William J. Casey- From San Diego to St. Patrick's Church, Carlsbad and Chaplain of County Hospital. San Diego. Residence, St. Vincent's Rectcry, San Diego. The Rev. A. J. Brucker- From Escondido to Our La Administrator. The Rev. Jcseph Nunez, (Inca



Verv Pc,· Laurence Fonistal- Frcm Rf dlands to St. Agnes Church Point Loma. The Rev. Edward F. Hannon- From Calexico to Sacred Heart Church Redlands. 1 The Rev. John l\.or"'8.n- Frcm C'llton to st. Marv's Church, El Cajon. The Rev. fatthew J. Th mps-:,n-

Ordained fer Dioi-~se The Very Rev. Father F•ederick A. Wekemnan, for the past three years pas'.or of St. Vincent de Paul parish, San Diego, who w1ll assume the duties of vicar-gen- eral for religious in the diocese, has spent the whole of his twen- ty-two years in the priesthood in Southern California, havilw been ordained at Kendrick Seminary, St. Louis, on June 11, 1915. Father Wekenman was born March 15, 1879, at Casey, Illinois. His seminary duties were started at St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo , Park, in 1908, and continued from I 1909 to 1914 at st. Mary's Semi- nary, Baltimore. The following , year was spent in Kendrick, where I he was ordained. , Active in the affairs of lhe dio- 1 cese, Father Wekenman served a~ : assistant director of the Bureau of Catholic Charities for the Dio- cese of Los Angeles and San Die~o from 1919 to 1921, and from 1920 to 1926, was diocesan director of the Holy Name society. . . Father Wekenman's years in the priesthood have been spent in nine different parishes in South- ern California, first as an assist- ant and later as a pastor. In 1915. he was appointed as an assistant in St. Joseph's parish. Las Banes; I followed by four years in St. Michael's parish, L o s A.ngeles, first as an assistant and later as administrator. A year as an as- sistant at st. Clement's parish, Ocean Park and a year at St. Ber- nardine's parish, San Bernardi 10, were followed by two yearn a s resident. at Sacred Heart pari,h, Los Angeles. Ee was appointed as; pastor of Divine Saviour parish. Los A.ngdes, in 1921, and r-'rnain- ed there for f ve years, when hi:: I was tra1sferretl as pastor to St I Clare's parish, Oxnnd, for the-' next three years. Immcc!'atcly preceedi1 g llir: appointmt nt to San Diego, in 1934, Fa,her Wck- enman 1 pent r;ix years in Santa I Ana as pastor of St. Joseph's..1mr- acclaim ,vas his in 1935 for his outstanding heroism in the Morro Castle disaster, when in the face of almost certain

From Administrator Our and st. Joseph's in Upland From El Cajon to be in with residence at St. Mar: The Rev. Arthur Licbrcnz, O.F From Banning to Imma Town . P~tor. The Rev. Dominic Gallardo, C To Pastor Old Mbsion, Sa Very Rev. Eng nc Mauch, 0. Rector, St. Augustine's Hig (Continued ferred from the pastorate of Sa- cred Heart church, Redlands. to the pastorate of St. Agnes church. Pt. Loma, where with the aid of an assistant pastor, he will reside and conduct 'the affairs of that parish, while his diocesan office will be located n.t the chancu·y office. Besides the classic languages of Latin and Greek, the new c,han- cellor speaks Spanish and Portu- guese fluently, which will greatly aid him in his work, and efpeci- ally in the pas!-Orate at Point Lo- ma, where the majority of the parishioners arc of Portuguese descent. During his seven years as pastor in Redlands, Father Forristal has attended the spirit- ual needs of a large Portuguese colony resident there. Father Forristal was born at Thomastown, County Kill{enny. Ireland, December 19. 1894, and received his early education there , receiving his B. A. and M. A. de- grees at the National University of Ireland at Dublin, in 1915. Graduate work in Rome in 1921 and 1922 was along lines that will be of great advantage to Fatlwr Forristal as chancellor. Coming to tile Uni(Pd Stntes in 19'.!5 as a priest foi- the old dm• cese of Los Angeles and S~ 1 1 Di- ego, Father Farris al served in several parishes preceeding his ap- pointment as pastor at Redlands in 1930. Following a \Jrief period in Santa Monica, he spent three years at St. George's 1,arish, On- tario, a year at St. John's Military academy, Los Angel@s, and two years as pastor of St. Mary',; var- ish, Escondido. The Rev. Francis Dillen-

From San° to Our Lady of Gundal11pc Church, Calexico The Rt>v. Jo<:eoh Wll- From Coachella to St. Mary's Church, Escondido. The Rev. Thoma'.> King- From De 0 an o to St. ,Joseph's Church, Fontana. The Rev. C. A. Kimmons- From Ch•ro t-Q St. Ro of Lima, 'l lr Vista. The Rev. Francis '\Voodcutter- Frnm Chula Vista t0 St. ~artin's Church, La Mesa. The Rev. Thoruu Corcoran- To St. 'Thcre<;a of thr Chile! Jcous Church, Lemon Grove. The Rev. C. Nom1an Ralev- From NazareLh Hou_;c t.o SL. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Oceanside. The Rev .Tc·m Mcllalr.- Frcm San ,Jacinto to St. Thomas' Church, Arlington. The Rev. Mkh·~cl .T. Bvrne- From Arlinr•ton to S t. Edward's Church, Corona. The Rev. Jami-s O'Shea- From Coronn to Nnzareth House, Old Mission. The Rev. Jose Valenda- From Ysidro to San Salvador's Church, Colton. Ad- ministrator. Tl1c Rev. John Rr!:'an, S.J.- Frnm Pninf, T.nmn to . 01tr TJacly of Mouut (,annel Church, :'inn Y i:Hil",. d111in• .,trntor. Th Rn', n. D. l\Iillcr- Tn Chmc h of the Most, Hle:;sed :3acramcut.. Dcsr:anso Ad- min i:;t.ra tor . Tl1" Rev. Arnold 05<':ir, 0 F.1\-1.- To C'hltl'ch of Ihi- Prrcio11s Blood, Banning. Pastor with residence at st. Bornfacc Indian School. 1 be Rev. Jkminic Gallardo, O.F.M.- T'J Vi."tu .u rl F'allbrouk Pa•;lor. 'J'hr P.rv.. T<1h11 J\JrF;Hl{l n, S.S.C.- 'i'n ::'·•n /\1 frmi o's r1111rd1, Cw.a Blanca. "1d11Ji111stralor. 'J'llr ncv. Onr'iinto Sa 1sol- p,·nm Rt crs rlc to Our L·1dy of Guarlalupe Chur~h. High- I rrovr. /I. !mini Lrator. I Th" Rr.v. Hrnry St(i°h:,- To St ,Tr nn of An- Ch11rf'!1, Blytl1c. "1clrrnm.,trnlor. I • The Rrv. ,JflS"Ph Martin, U. S. A.- Chapl ain. March Field. . Friday, August fl, 1937


FR. FORRISTAL ANNOUNCED AS CHANCELLOR Is Linguist Father Forristal, whom Bishop Buddy has named as chancellex' of the diocf'- has been trans-

death he was the first to yolunteer 1 to descend in a. trial rescue boat I off the Florida coast where the great liner was reefed. I

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