Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1937

The late editor's writini:-s re– flected his forceful character and exemplary life. Even during times of struggle and financial duress he dreamed of a day when San I Diego would become the Catbedra of a new Diocese wi 'h his publica– tion as its official organ. He be– longed to the old school of stal– wart journalists who realized the power of the presr and who put service of the Church and his fel- 1 lowman above material considera- , tions. Success demands penalties while it gives consolation. Thus Mr. Dougherty, in his noble heart. counted it gain when during the depression he suffered heaVY fi– nancial losses but carried on every issue of The Southern Cross. At times he faced di,;;cou a.gement Oil every side, meeting and sur– mounting obstacles t.b.a t, mea,r – ured by human standards, would ha,ve swept most papers cut of ex – istence. In fact he witnessed many another weekly of grea·er pretentions and cf even wider op– portunities pass into oblivion. * But James H. Dougherty had the rich legacy of a faith that with him never lof"t its lustre and even in the midst of darkenig !'rha– dows he renewed the undying credo of his race. He s

CATH OLIC ACTION / DAY SET DURING ITAllAN M EET Priests Named to Arrange I Transportation to Los Angeles The annual convention of the Ital ian Catholic Federation of I California will be held this year in Los A?geles, September 4, 5. 6 and 1 7. His Excellency, Archbishop Cantwell, has declared Monday, September 6, "Catholic Action Day." A Pontificial High Mass 1 will be held in the Coliseum, at which all of the bishops of the s'ate will be present and large contingents of laymen and women from the diocese of San Fran– cisco, Sacremento, Fresno, Los An- geles and San Diego. I Hi'- Excellency. Bishop Buddy f has named a special committee of priests and laymen to make ar– rangements for the transportation of Italian-American and Ameri– can-Catholic people of San Diego to Los Angeles for this great re– ligious event. The committee will meet at S t. Joseph's hall, Fourth and Beech street, Monday evening at 8 o'clock to . consider and prepare plans. Members of the committee will include: Rev. John Powers, chair– man, Rev. Vito Pillola, Rev. James F. O'Shea, Rev. Francis C . Ott, Rev. Joseph Hennessey, O.S.A., Judge William J. Collard, Bemard H. Dougherty, Pierce Egan, M. D. Goodbody, Michael Gleason, Mat– them Gleason, Joseph Green, James Hurley, Dr. C. H. Hender– son, Frank Hope Jr. , Leo Imblum Nicholas Martin. Frank Laengle: Dr. Mark O'Brien, R. A. McGann, A. T. Procopio, George Ryan Jr. Gilbert Reynolds. Dr. John J . Shea, Richard Shea, Theo. N . Streff, Joseph Taverna, Dr. Frank E. Toomey, George Thompson, W. C. Wilde, Dr. A. F. Willier and F'rank Canepa.

The fact that the deceased edi, tor had tr:uned sons who coulcl follow in his foot~teps is no small tribute to his genuis. They, too, n:erit our mead of praLe for un– flinching perseverance and the de– termination to carry on the tradi– tions of their sire. They, in turn, gave to the pubEcation the same honesty, the same simple purpose, the same unselfishness. Neither change of management, nor time, can consume their glorious iilher– itance. The newly-appointed staff of editors will try to continue the usefulness of The Southern Cross, and they bespeak for the future I the same loyalty and cooperation that have marked the passing years.

In assumin ownership of The Southern Crosr, our first thought is one of lasting appreciation for the retiring editors. What is now the official Diocesan organ of San Diego comes to the Diocese as the rich fruitage of pioneer vision and indomitable courage. The South– em Cress has a record of high ac– complishment in the cause of reli– gion, justice and truth, and, like everything of genuine worth , stands secure on the merits of its own achievements. This paper first saw f,be light of day under the able editorship of .James McC-Ormick, now living in Kensington Heights. Mr. Mc– Cormick realized the need of a Catholic paper in these parts and had faith in the fu ~ure of the community. From the first issue the people hailed with joy this publication-something their very own. The little grain of mustard seed planted twenty-six years ago grew into a mighty tree. * * * In 1914 James H. Dougherty took over The Scuthern Cross and into its classic columns wove the golden strands of his own beauti– ful personality. Mr. Dougherty, whose memory is h eld in bene– diction, was a Catholic first and foremost-the sterling t ype, fear– lees, just, the champion of trut h , the dynamic lay apostle. He edited a paper highly creditable to Church and State, compelling re– spect and admiration both at home and in far flung quarters. Hie incisive editorials, str essing truth and exploding falsehood, complemented the labors of the missionaries. The paper has drawn deservedly high praise from m&11 well qualified to judge and many of its articles have been reprinted by eastern publications. As an educational factor it would have rejoiced the heart of the saint.Iy Junipcro Serra.

Bishop Addresses Charity Group of Mexican Co Ion y Honoring the Society of Charity of St. Rita of Our Lady of Guada– lupe parish,. His Excellency, Bish– op Cha rles Francis Buddy, was their guest at the U. S. Grant ho– tel on Wednesday at luncheon and spoke to the women of his grati– tude for the many acts of charity that they have performed among the members of the Mexican colo– ny here. Bishop Buddy was accompanied by his secretary, Rev. Michael J . O'Connor, and Rev. Damian Go– bea, A. R. , pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church. Mexican chil– dren were presented in several song and dance numbers in native costumes. Officers of the organization planning the luncheon included Mrs. Mary Barbachano, Mrs. J. Mesa, Mrs. A. Liera, Miss C. Gon– zales and Mrs. M. C. Seymour. I Thirty members were present at the luncheon. ,------- ---· ... "i FATHER MESNY QUIETLY MARKS 81ST BIRTHDAY The Rev. Joseph C. Mesn y ma rked his 81st birthday Sun– day, August 15, by the quiet celebration of Holy Mass in th e I Mercy hospit al chapel. Bes~ wishes of the h osts of friends made by F ather Mesn y in hi1' long year s of service in th e I priesthood in S an Diego were his on the h appy occasion. FB.ther was the guest 1 durin g t he afternoon of Mr. !· I and Mrs. F rank Wakefield at t h eir La Mesa ran ch . Th<:? 1• Ll oung couple were marr·ed by ath er Mesny on his birth dayj ast year. ----------·-~~--

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