Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

1887 - 1937

vTnen the crowd left the park Fatner Stork ventured out, }or he simply must know what the fuss was about. Came along a big owl whom he quickly contacted, Putting forth many queries of scenes just enacted. With a headful of facts he returned to his mate, Who was still sitting up, though the hour was late, 11 This is news, or I'm missing a guess: We've been watching the city's first Bishop, no less! And, besides, there is more I would have you to know: He belongs to the Buddys and hails from St. Joe-1 You remember that babe, with the ringlets of brown, T"nat I lugged in the 80 1 s to Bishop :Suddy 1 s that very same lad, if you please, Late appointed the head of t11is new diocese ! I must see him tomorrow as soon as it's day; Something tells me a break will be coming our way For the Bishop loves children - it 1 s easy to see, - And do I have to add what the babes mean to me? BrotherOwl has revealed that his churches are few Which, of course, means the Bishop has plenty to do. But ! - you cannot have churches unless you have people; There's more to a church than a sky-pointing steeple. And exclaimed:

~o the spouse of his bosom a weary stork said: 11 Ti.1ose Mulligan triplets were heavy as lead!

I have flown fast and far, working early and late, But I have to keep going for business won't wait. .Al thoue;h ready to drop, yet tonight I go To the home of the Buddy's in quaint old St. Joe; For this babe over here, with the ringlets of brown, Has been ordered long since for that same distant town. With the charm of his smile and those mischievous eyes - Won't the Buddys be in for a joyful surprise?" .And while sailing along through the October air, .All his tnoughts were on those who awaited him there In St. Joe, and he mused: "They have several girls Who will treasUl~e this lad with his dimples and curls. 11 Then he checked his swift flight, dropping leisurely down As he sighted beneath him the sleepy old town. With a ring of the doorbell, away the bird flew; - Those were days when a stork had sufficient to do! * * * * Father Time jogged along after this jubilation; Came a day when the storks felt the need of vacation. Papa Stork had the 11 flu 11 with a touch of lumbago .And his wife felt the best place to mend, San Diego. Here they built them a nest and were settled by dark On the top of a tower in Balboa Park; But the very next day saw a big celebration And they wondered a bit on their choice of location, For the people came flocking by sixes and dozens - Every man brought a houseful, with in-laws and cousins! .And the high-honored guest moved about here and there 1 rith a smile putting strangers at ease everywhere. .And Pa Stork, looking down from his place in the tower, .At a glance knew that this was the 11 man of the hour. 11 All attired in black, with a violet sash, - Why, a blind man could see that he cut quite a dash! With the bundle so precious a-swing from his bill High aloft the bird winged over valley and hill,

.And as I view the matter it seems to be clear That the need of the day is more babies down here~

San Diegans think nothing too good for their prelate; They are crazy about him, which doesn't half tell it. Now, if he preaches 'babies, 1 more babies there'll be .And results will mean business for him•.••• and for me. So let's drink to His Lordship and wish him all cheer; Prosperity I s not 'round the corner; 1 it I s here ! 11

Nelle Loraine Milroy - 1937

Commemorating October 4, 1937

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