Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

BISHOPS OF THE PROVINCE AID IN MARKING CONSTITUTION DAY AT TUCSON SOLEMN FIELD MASS ---- - ~ Archbishop Cantwell ·Gives I must be more than wage earners, Stirring Address on Needs I who have_ neither independence of the Day I nor security of tenure and who are entirely dependent on the fa. TUCSON, Ariz .. Nov. 10.-In the I vor of individual employern or on University of Arizona stadium. I the st~te. _The_ employe, too, has Solemn High Mass was sung in, an obligation m the sight of the observation of the 150th anniver-' law and of a well instructed con- sary of the adoption of the C'onsti- science. Our Constitution was tution of the United States by the drawn up in a pre-industrial age. Most Rev. Daniel J. Gercke. Bi- It remains for men who are shop of Tucson.

state.~men, who cherish American traditions, and who reverence the past, to adjust that great instru- ment of our liberties to changing circumstances, to maintain its spirit, its respect for the rights of the States, its reverence for the dignity and sacredness of man, in ' recognizing that the humblest cit- izen has a destiny that transcends the State.

Among the bishops pre5ent. were Most. Rev. Philip G. Scher, Mon- terey-Fresno, and the Most Rev. I Charles F. Buddy, San Diego. More than 7,000 persons were pre- sent at the Mass which was pre- ceded by a procession mostly of prochial school children and members of the various Catholic organizations. 'The Mass was broadcast over Station KVOA. The Most Rev. John J. Cant- well, Archbishop of Los Angeles, preached the sermon which fol- lows, in part: "The crying i1eed of our day is for social justice. The solution of our social problem must recog- nize human liberty and the per- I sonal dignity of every man. Men 1

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