Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)



chapel. All ,1Siting Blsters mor£> than 100 in number, \\lll be 'served dmner in the Cathedral Convent. Dinner t Robldo The consecration will be followed by a dinner in the crystal room of Hotel Robidoux, at ·hich the new prelate will be host to 350 vlsl g clergymen. The new prelate's coat of arms, done in red, green and gold, the coat of arlllS of Bishop LeB!on~. the American and pa.pal flags will decorate the room. The speakers' table will seat sixty-J!ix guests. The Right Rev. lo~lgnor Jame. P. Brady, P. A., chairman of the prie ts' committee on arrangement!, will be the toast- master, and toasts wil_l be given by the Very Rev. J. J. O'Neill, pastor of St. Patrclk's Church, St. Joseph, representing the officials of the dio- cese; the Rev. John K. Cartwright, Ph. D., D. D., pastor of the Im- maculate Conception Church \\'ash- ington, D. C.; the Rev. L~uis F. Kelleher, D. D., pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church, Cantoni Mass.; the Right Rev. :Monsignor John M: Hegarty, V. F., San Diego, Cal.; His Excelency the Most Rev. .Tohn J. Cantwell, D. D., archbishop of Los Angeles. and His Excellency the Most Rev. C. H. LeBlond, D. D., bi_shop of St. Joseph. The response will be by Bishop Buddy. The new prelate will say the first mass. after his elevation Tuesday mornmg at 8 o'clock at the Cathe- dral. It will be a requiem mass In memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Buddy. He also will chant the pontifical mass on Christmas morning at 5 o'clock. Is Accomplished Musician. The Benedictine monks have had the leading part in the great work of restoring to their pristine form the marvelously rich and varied liturgical chants of the Catholic Church, which came into being in the early Middle Ages. The monks of Conception Abbey sing chants daily at their conventuai mass and the cho..... 1 recitation of the Divine office in the abbey chu1·ch and for this reason ideally fitted to render them with the fullness of their intrinsic ar- tistic beauty. Dom Gregory himself is not only a highly accomplished organist, but also a church musician of national eminence. He is the editor of The Caecilia., a monthly magazine de- voted to Catholic Church music, published in Boston, Mass., as well as a regular contributor to The E Catholic Choirmaster, the official c organ of the St. Gregory Society of s America. He will accompany the o Schola Cantorum at the organ and will play a number of organ volun- tari~s at various I points in the Special Numbers Arranged. Two musical numbers have been specially arranged for the solemn processional entrance of the clergy and prelates into the cathedral s preparatory to tte actual consecra- tion ceremony. Both numbers will i be for organ and a brass choir con- sisting of two trumpets, French s horn and trombone. The first, ?: titled "Fle.stive March,'' is by .A 1- :r,, phonse Ma.illy. one of the greatest Belgian organists of tbe nineteenth century. ', The second entrance number, in E an identical arrangement, is from I the pen of an eminent Benedictine c composer, Dom Dominic Wan- ., densshwyler of St. Benedict's Ab- bey, Mount Angel, Ore. Brother Stanislaus Thomas, O. S. B., instructor in instrumental music at Conception College, Is the at·ra.nger of both these numbers. The organ pa.rt will be played by Dom Gregory, assisted by four St. Joseph musicians, Frank C. Alum- baugh, Wilis C. Maupin, W. E. Rob- inson and Smith Turner, who will play first and second trumpet, French horn and trombone. The proper of the mass of the day, which is the Feast of St. Thomas Apostle, will be sung by the Schola Ca.ntorium. The "Kyric" and "Agnus Dei" of this mass are compositions of the tenth century, while the ''Gloria" and "Sanctus" are of thirteenth century origin. The "Credo'' will be No. III of the "Vatican K)•riale," a relatively n1od- crn chant composition in the fifth mode. Orders to Be Represented, service. Tho following 1·eligious orders for women will be represented at the consecration. Holy Cross from Not:-e Dame, Ind.; Benedictine Sis- t~rs, Atchison, Kan.; Franciscan S1ste~·s, Maryville; Daughters of Cha:1ty '?f St. Francis de Paul, St. Louis; Sisters of Charity, Leaven- worth; Little Sisters of the Poor Kansas City; FeHcian, Holy Ghost'. St. Joseph and Precious Blood Sis- ters of St. Joseph. . These religious orders will not be in the procession, but will enter the church through the Little Flower


RE F. BUDDY AS BISHOP TOMORROW Colorful Procession Planned as Part of Services to Be Held at Cathedral. CHURCH WILL ATTEND Special Arrangements Have Been Made for Music at Ceremony. ,\. procession, in which nearly 300 clergymen, Including many digni- taries of the Catholic Church, st•J- d~nts and laymen will participate, will be one of the most colorful parts of the ceremony tomorrow morning when the Very Rev. CharleB F. Buddy will be conse- crated bishop of San Diego at St. Joseph's Cathedral. The bishop-elect has served as pastor of the Cathedral for many years and elevation to bishopric wlll be m charge of the Most Rev. C. H. LeBlond, bishop of the diocese of St. Joseph, and the co-consecra- tors, the Most Rev. Gerald 'l'. Ber- gan, bishop of Des Moines, and the 11ost Rev. Frnncis J. Monahan, co- adjutor bishop of Ogdensburg, N. Y. To Start at 9:15. The procession is expected to the rectory, which adjoins the Cathedral on the flouth, at 9:15 o'clock, and will march to the church, down the center aisle and into the sanctuary or other places t"Cserved for the participants. Leading the procession will be Boy Scouts. Then will come gradu- ate nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital in full uniform and the g.aduate i;tudents of the Sacred Heart Con- vent and the Christian Brothers High School in cap and gown. Fol- lowing these will be the seminari- ans and masters of ceremonies, priests, monsignori, the fourth de- gree Knights of Columbus in full regalia and the bishops and their cha.plains. All of the clergymen will wear the elaborate vestments which the priests and prelates of the church reserve for such occa- sions. At the close of the procession will come the bishop-elect and his con- ,;ecrators. An auxillary guard of honor will be formed by firemen and police- men. A loud speaker will be in- stalled in the Cathedral so that those who unable to get into the church may hear something of 1 the music and sermon on the out- side of the church. The musical portion of the con- secration ceremony will be sung by the Schola Cantorum of Concep- tion Abbey, under the direction of Dom Gregory Huegle, 0. S. B. The entire musical program, which in- cludes the chants of the pontifical mass, as well as those which are specifically a part of the a

I' BISHO -ELECT 1 A CIVIC LEADER A word picture of San Diego's bi:hop-elect is reprint- ed from the St. Joseph Ne,vs-Press, in paragraphs gleaned from the editorial column, "Timely Observa- tions," as follows: The honor that comes to the Very Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop-designate of the newly created Catholic diocese of San Diego, will bring pleasure to the priest's many friends, and they number men and women of all creeds and of none. Father Buddy is what we all like to consider our ideal spiritual leader, a he-man '\\'1th the courage of his convictions who retreats not an inch where fundamentals of faith are concerned, yet withal so con- siderate, so thoughtful of the opinions.of others that his tenderness in dealing with those other creeds is one of his most striking characteristics. San Diego, will receive a civic leader when Bishop Charles F. Buddy assumes his bishopric, if the new pre- late follows the example he established as a St. Joseph priest. Notwithstanding his onerous duties at St. Jo- seph's Cathedral the priest found time to devote to civic affairs. His sponsorship of St. Vincent's cafeteria in the early days of the depression probably will be remembered in this city for many years to come. The priest never dis- closed the fact himself but it was known to a few that St. Vincent's cafeteria was made possible through the gen- erosity of his mother, Mrs. C. A. Buddy. She donated the building which housed the cafeteria. The civic activities of Father Buddy included work every year in the Community Chest, the Civic Music ·As- sociation and other groups. More recently he accepted appointment to the municipal board of health under Mayor Phil J. Welch, and has been a constructive force in the present administration.

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