Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

J Fontana Extends, •' 01 0 Official Welcom~ To New Prela Postmaster Conway Voices Greetings of Community At Reception Ca 1 holics of Fontana, St. Jo- seph's parish and from the sur- rounding districts were present ~n-masse to greet His Excellency, the Most Rev. C. F. Buddy on his arrival there last Saturday even- ing for his first official visit. Ar- riving at 6 o'clock, Bishop Buddy and visiting priests were enter- tained at dinner in the rectory by the Rev. Malachy O'Sullivan and the Rev. Thomas F. King,. with officers of the Altar society serving at table. Benediction of the Most Blessed \ Sacrament was held in St. Jo- seph's church Saturday evening, after which a reception W'l.~ when Bishop Buddy greeted the people at Fontana. The official greeting of the com- munity was extended by Tom J. Conway, postmaster., on behalf of the Fontana chamber of cow- merce. Men of the Holy Name society of the parish acted as a guard of the church from the parish house. Al- tars of the church were beautiful- ly decorated by the Young Ladies' podality. Benediction hymns were ; I sung by the choir under the di- rection of Mrs. R. L. Gazvoda. ' \ honor in the procession to

Priests Named/ To Plan Annual Corpus Christi Processional Announcement was made this 1 week by the Chancery office of the committee of priests who will make plans for the 1937 observa- tion of Corpus Christi in San Di- ego, which this year will be held 011 a larger scale than ever be- fore. The Corpus Chris' i procession will be held Sunday afternoon, May 30, at 3 o'clock with His Ex- cellency, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, presiding. Cath- olics from , all parishes of the county will gather at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish and march in procession to St. Anne's church. where the final Benediction will be given. Priests in charge of plans for the solemn observance include the Rev. Damian Gobea, A. R., pastor of Our L<1,dy of Guadalupe par- ish, the Rev. F. A. Wekenman, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul par- ish.• the Rev. F1:ancis Ott. pas- tQl· of St. Mary's pltrish, National City, the Rev. Vincent Shepherd, ~astor of Our Lady of Angels par- / 1sh, and the Rev. Nicholas Zabal- za, A. R., pastor of St. Anne's par- ish.

Bishop Spends Busy Week in Visitations Following the solemn reli'5ious services in San Bernardino last Sunday, His Excellency, Bishop c. F. Buddy has spent a full week making visitations to various churches and institutions in the northern part of his diocese. His Excellency celebrated 7:30 o'clock Mass Monday morning in the lleautiful little chapel of st. Bernardine's hospital and was tendered a reception by the Sis- ters of Charity of Lhe Incarnate Word at the hospital the same m01•ning at 9 o'clock. San Salvador parish, Colton, of which the Rev. John Morgan is pastor, was visited by the bishop Monday afternoon, after which he returned to San Bernardino to , preach th~ sermon and preside at j May devotions Monday evening at Holy Rosary church, of which the Rev. Daniel Ryan is in charge. Remaining in San Bernardino over night, the bishop celebrated 7 o'clock Mass at Holy Rosary church on Tuesday morning and continued on to Barstow, where he was the luncheon guest of the Rev. J. A. C. Van Veggel at St. Joseph's rectory. Visitalions were also made the same day aL Vic- torville, where the Rev. John Mc- Donough is the pastor of St. Joan of Arc parish and at Redlands 1vhere he presided at evening de~ votions. Holy Mass was celebrated at Sa- cred Heart churci., Redlands, Wednesday morning, when the bishop was assisted by the Rev. Laurence Forristal, pastor and the Rev. Philip Watz, assistant. The parish school, which is in charge of the Sisters of Mercy, and con- vent of the Missionary Catechists were also visited on Wednesday. Mass was to have been celebrat- ed by the bishop yesterday morn- ing at the Church of the P.recious Blood in Banning and a visitation was to have been made later at San Jacinto.

!Elsinore Honors Bishop Buddy on First Vi it There --, . - .-•· -.-~•... "!( . ,..,, Formal Reception Held ill Woman's Club; Prelate Greatly Pleased --~ ....- .. :-.- ........ - : r- • ·.:;' _· ;-=-~ A formal reception was held at the Elsinore Woman's clubhouse, Wednesday afternoon, when Rev. John Purcell, pastor of St. Fran- ces' church and his parishioners were honored by a visit from His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of the new diocese of San Diego, on his fi.ISt official visit to Elsinore. Short addresses of welcome were made by representatives of the various church organizations; Mr. Hem·y Perret, president of the Holy Name society in behalf of , the men; Mrs. Alice Scott, presi- dent of St. Frances' ' Altar society· for the women, and Albe1·t Le- Gaye, for the children of the par- ish. , Bishop Buddy was delighted with all that Elsinore had to offer in the way of scenic beauty and still more favorably impressed with the beautiful church and spa- cious grounds of St. Frances' rec- tory and church in their pictur- esque setting on the shores of Lake Elsinore. Following the reception at the clubhouse, the entire group ad- journed to St. Frances' church, where His gave Bene- diction of the Most Blessed Sacra- ment.

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