Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

Fift y Years Service In Teaching ingled Wi h ist ry Of City Our Lady of Peace Academy Conducted by St. Joseph of I Caronc.lolet Order; E tabli ·hed At Request of Father Ubach in Early Days Among the educational institutions of Sim Diego none hold a higher position than the Academy of Our Lady of Peace ,-rhich wa ef'tablished here in the year 1882, and its progre forms a great part of the history of this city. Father Ubach neerled Sisters to I --- open u school for bis small pari,h Near the Academy and .on the in San D'ego. After a tbh·ty c!a 1, same grounds was built St. noYena of masse'l in honor of st Joseph's Day School for boys un– Joseph, he ui:;certained that the der the direction of the same Sis– motherhouse of the Sisters of s~. ters, in which pupils were kept Joseph was situated in St. Louis, until the completion of the gra~-1 Mo. In those davs a journey from mar grade course. Many promm– San Diego to st. Lauis was an ent young men of the city and arduous undertaking but nothin 6 elsewhere. some of whom serve at dauntrd; he traveled to the city God's Altar. remember with feel– and called upon the Superior G"n- ings of love and pride the early era! requesting the aid of her Sis- days of study spent in the little ters The Superior General re- school dedicated to St. Joseph. fused to send to a community so BUILD VILLA MONTEMAR far away and advised the good In the course of time new quar- priest, to get help from a com- ters once more had to be procured munity already established nearer for the overcrowded Academy at to California. In his disappoint- Third and A. and the newest and ment, he told of his novena of most beautiful achievement of the ma~

Point Loma Rectory

Beautiful new rectory being built next door to st. Ag·nes church, Point Loma, The Very Rev. Laurence Forristal, Chan– cellor, and the Rev. Daniel Ryan, Vice-Chancellor are pastor and assistant of St. Agnes parish in this fast growing community.

-~~~~-----~ - to school life. p!a:v impor+:~) parts in the extra- curricula inti_ est.c:; of the- students. Acting in un ison with th e 01 repeated wishes of our Holy Father, Pius XI. concerning th e development of an organized plan of Catholic action, the faculty at Villa Montemar is especially con– cerned with the establishment and progress of .,:i1ch organizations which will train the students to participate as well informed lead– ers of Cathalic thought when they take their places in the world that needs enLhusiastic p:.uticipation in the parochial, civic and cultural the pupils who have ccme under the influence ot the SisLers Lhere has been impart.. ed the knowledge of inte)lectual and spiritual thing-s, and this in .. fluence has ever been an inspira– tion and encouragement to them. In the history of the Academy of Ou1· Lady of Peace it is, how– ever, regrettable that there a1;e no items relative to endowments. :Curing its long years of existen ce it has struggled on unaided except by the untiring efforts of th e Sis– ters. Its burden of taxation ap– proximating• an annual expen di– ture of from six to seven thousand dollars has to be borne by t he un– aided endeavor of the Sisters. P er– haps in the days to come this statement will be retracted. and in the annals there will be a rec– ord of such aid from benefactors who may be enlightened by the Holy Spirit to realize the charity in aidmg Christian education. 1 life of their community. WELCOME AID Therefore, -to

a part of the city known as Hor- ten's Addition, which was then a beau;iful parls: in which grew the ch oices~ plants and flowers. The house on t.~ ·.:; property was used temporarily fc._ the school. Two years later four le. ' were sold to obtain means to bmi..t the Acad- emy t h at for so many years I housed the school at Third and A streets. With the remarkable growth of San Diego. the Acad- 1 erny kept pace, and the crowded conditions of the classrooms neces– sitat ed other buildings which were well equipped with library and laboratories necessary for the in– terests of education.


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