Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

I 1 Tire!e s in Jrork for Poor 1 BISHOP -ELECT TR UE FR IEND OF DESTITUTE Institution He Founded Served 3,000 Meals To Needy and Gave Lodgings to Some 700 Men Daily St. Joseph, l\Io.-The l\Iost Re,·. Charles Francis Buddr, rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral here, who has been named Bishop of the ne,Yly-created Diocese of San Diego, is a priest of ·widespread popularity and is particularly well known for his tireless efforts in behalf of the destitute and the sick. Bishop-elect Buddy established on Jan. 1, 1930, St. Vincent's cafeteria and men's shelter for the destitute of this dty and for transients. This agency provided an aver- t age of 3,000 meals a dav to the 11eedy and gave lodgings to some 700 men. In 1934, this project was taken over by the federal government as a transient shelter. ·when word of his appointment Bishop-Elect

Ceremony of Consecration of The Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy, Ph.D., D.D.

as Ordinary of the see of Sau Diego was 'received here, Bishop- eleci Buddy was praying in the Cathedral. He had just returned from a meeting of the Community Chest, after which he had called upon a number of sick parishion- ers. Another highly successful under- taking launched by the Bishop- elect is the program of care for undernourished children of the Ca- thedral school. He also arranged a program of health clinics for the children of the school, for which doctors, sisters, and nurses at St. Joseph's hospital volunteered their services. In addition to being well l!:nown for his charitable, sociological, and civic work, his labors as a member of the Community Chest board and as a member of the city board of health, Bishop-elect Buddy is dis- tinguished as an administrator. He has carried out many improve- ments to St. Joseph's Cathedral, including its complete redecora- tion, since he became its rector on l\Iarch 11, 1926. He also inau- gurated an information forum through which 1,000 converts have been brought into the Church. (Turn to Page 2 - Column 6) English Woman's Cause Promoted teachers in th, midlands and the I North have been active in this mat- ter for some time. A meeting is to be called in London soon with the approval of the Most Rev. Arthur I Hinsley, Archbishop of Westmin- ster. Vatican 9ity.-WCWC Cable)

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The Very Rev. Dr. Charle, F. Buddy, rector of St. Joaeph'a Ca- thedral, St. Joseph, Mo., who has just been appointed first Bishop of the newly-formed Diocese of San Diego, according to wo1·d received from Vatican City. Bishop-elect

London.-Teachers in London ~ uddy wa• born in St. JoM>ph, Mo., and the South of England are tak- J 1887, and was ordained in Rome ,ng- ac.:tion to promote beatification ?) 9 14. of Teresa Higginson. Catholic '


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