Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

Turning to the people, and somewhat raising his l'Oice, he asks their prayers: - Brethren, pray and continues in a low \'Oice: - that this acrifice. which is both mine and yours, may be well- plea ing to God the Father Almighty. 'l'he ministers answer: - ~ Al the Lord receive this acrifice at thy hands, to the prai e and glory of His name, to our good likewi e, and to that of all His Holy Church. To the celebrant subjoins "Amen," and then silently read over the Oblation, the prayers known as "Secret," so called be- cause it is said in a low voice. Secret 1E) HILE we pay lo Thee our bounden service, 0 Lord, we humbly beseech Thee to preserve in us Thy gifts, through the prayers of the blessed Apostle Thomas, in honor of whose gloriou confession we offer Thee this sacrifice of praise. 'l'he following Secret for the new Bishop is said with the Secret of the Mass of the day wider one conclusion by the Con ecrator: - fR, ECEIVE, 0 Lord, the gifts which we offer to Thee for thi Thy servant and kindly preserve in him Thy favors. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost. The one consecrated says: - fR, ECEIVE, 0 Lord, the gifts which we offer to Thee for me, Thy ervant, and kindly preserve Thy favors in me. Through Our Lord Jesus Clui t, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost. 'l'hen follows the Advent Secret: - J" AVORABL Y regard, we beseech Thee, 0 Lord, these present sacrifices, that they may profit us both unto devotion and salvation. Through our Lord etc. In terminating the Secret, the celebrant raises his voice, singing: - 32

\'\"orld without end. .\.ncl all answer:


olenm Eucharistic P1·ayer of through by the celebrant \\ith

the Preface or

•·ext follow

praise and thanksghing, gone

uplifted hands .

Preface C. The Lord be "ith you. R. And with th) spirit. C. Lift up your heart . R. \'\'e have them lifted unto the Lord. C. Let us giYe thanks to the Lord Our God. R. It i meet and just. £:f T I truly meet and just, right and arniling unto salvation. humbly to pray Thee. 0 Lord, the eternal ~hepherd. to abandon not Thy flock; but through Thy blessed apostle to keep a con- tinual watch over it: that it may be governed by those same ruler " ·horn Thou didst et over it as hepherd and as Thy vica rs. And therefore with the Angel and Archangel . the Throne and Domin- ions, and the whole host of the heavenly arm) . we ing the hymn of Thy glory, saying again and again·': - Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. The heavens and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Ble~sed is He who cometh in the Iame of the Lord. Hosanna in the highe t. *Here a bell is rung to give notice to the people of the begin- ning of the Canon or sacrificial part of the )lass. Canon of the Mass Having united with those present to give solenm than.ks to Goel the Father Almighty, for all His blessings, after the example set by Om· Blessed Lord at the Last Supper, the celebrant and the one consecrated silently enter upon the rite called the Canon of the :\las ( canon meaning the fixed method or rule established for the proper otrering np of the Unbloocly Sacrifice of the New Testa- ment). Meanwhile the choir sings the Sanctus or Triumphal Hrum of the Angels, and the Benedictus, or chant of welcome to Chl'ist, \\'ho, in Bod)· and Blood, Soul and Divinity, comes, as the Sacrificial Yictim, upon the Altar. The celebrant, first raising his eyes to Heaven, joins his hands, and bowing clown oYer the Altar, reverently kisses the stone 33

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