Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)

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\JI~~ ,:ome, Bishop Buddy I XS'l'ALLATTON of the Rev. Charles Buddy today as first bishop of the new San Diego diocese, i:;ignalizing a new chapter in the intereRting his- tory of the Catholic Church in this area, srrves to call to mind the debt the Wr>:t Coast owes to the pionerr Spanish padres. It is to them that Sa il Diego owes her claim of being '' th(' ,pla"r where civilization began''in' California, 168 year,; ~go. 'l'hey toiled, risked their lives to t hirst aud Indian marauclers, starved, J that Christianity might be plantrd upon thi s soil. What dreams for the futme of their {flit h tllf'v must have held, in order to s1}n:ive t'lie ordeals of their privations in a C'OUntrv that wa,; so wild and un- tamed. fnsp.iration and faith kept them stC'ady. . 'I'oda:v, from the tiny sparks they fanned hy' their devotions, the Catholic Chureh has so grown that a new diocese is nPCCRsa ry. We need not b e Catholics, to ar1n·eciate what this meam; the fruition of a splendid vision is ,instifi- c11 tion enough for our most sincere ad- miration. From the struggling little mission, a progressiYe, modern com- munity has sprung. The erection of a rl iocrse, with the bi1:,hop 's scat l1ere, for San Diego, Riverside, San Br-rna1·-

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