Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1937 (3)


ost Reverend Charles Francis Buddy




erem ny

The 1':lost Rev. J. J. Glennon.

Saturday, December 19, 1936

A.rcbhishop of St. Loni,, Delivered

j 1110 ng the Parishes Cathedral Christmas At the Cathedral-The ~x- .e.rcises this year will fol_low the PI of ram of other years, a prmted cop~ o g_hich will be sent to every pansluon- " Confessions will be heard s~veral . ~~-ys before at convenient hours m the , d so as to accommodate every cla~s • ay l Tl first Mass will 1 - of working peop e. 10 , 1 k I be a Pontifical High Mass at o c oc I followed by Low Masses contmuously ntil the last Mass at 11: 30. I u Bis hop to po nt if icate-The i New I H bert Le ::\'lost Reverend Char es u t Bl nd DD Bishop of St. Joseph, has I 0 t ct' d. ~• very cordial invitation to 1 ex en e B. h p elect of H. Excellency, the is o - J Sa: Diego to Pontificate al_ the 5 I o'clock Mass Christmas mo~·mng and l the Throne. Bishop-elect I I to OCCUPY . .· Buddy counts it a great JOY and a p11_v- ilege to officiate in these Solemn Cer e- , monies in the Church wh~re he has labored for twenty-one yea1s. Je suit to Preach-The Reverend Michael V Murray, S.J., of the Fac- f St Mary's Jesuit School of ' ~ 1 ~!ol~gy, \~ill assist at the Cathe~r~l bearing confessions ~h_e day be;.~~i Christmas and also givmg the Ch t mas sermon at the Pontifical Mass a 5 o'clock. Father Murray, an eloquen~ I and learned Jesuit, is 3: n~phew o Mrs. H. Will Elders of this city. Consecratio n Ceremo ni_es -1'_!1on?ay at 9:15 the Procession will sta1t _from th Rectory of the Church fo1 the Co~1Secration of Father Bud_dy !1s Bishop of San .Dieg~, Cahf?rn1a. Priests and chaplams will vest m St. ' d St Charles Halls. Prelates Ann s an · B' 1 -at the Cathedral Rectory. The l:l lOP- designate regrets deeply th~t it ~~illt~! impossible to accommoda e a devoted friends who have express~ desire to be seated in the Cathe _ra for the Mass of Consecration. Owmg t the great numbers of Bishops. Mon- s~gnori, Priests and Sisters, togeth~~ ·•1 the Guard of Honor and othe WlL 1 ·on there t J-in"' part in the processi , .:ill be a comparatively small numb~1\ of places for the laity. An e~fort w1 e made to accommodate act!ve mem- bb f st Ann's Altar Society who ers o · . f 11 nd so gen- 1ia ve worked so faith u Y a · f . sl in lrneping up the beauty o ~oocf.s ilouse. The Cathedr~l. memb~rs f the Children of Mary affiliated with f11e Convent of the Sacre~ Heart an outstanding Catholic orgamzation and the Cathedral Club members have bee~ been sent admission cards. Formas

Inspiring Consecration Sermon==~

Manual Furnished Congregation j A manual furnished by the Abbey at Conception wa handed each member of the congregation attending the serv- ices, and enabled all to follow clo ely a. the ceremonies progressed. Sublime Meaning of Consecration "The function of consecration may vroperly be divided imo the prelimi- nary examination, the consecration proper and the investiture. The first part includes the form of ascertaining solemnly that the Bishop-elect has the right to Episcopal consecration; of re- ceiving his oath of submission to the Holy See, the center of unity; and of inquiring into the orthodoxy of his faith. The form of oath embodied in this manual is that prescribed for ths Bishops of "the l'nited States in the Second Council of Baltimore. In the examination the Bishop-elect is made to profess categorically his belief in the different matters of faith that have been particularly attacked by heretics, especially the doctrine of the Incarna- tion. These preliminaries having been duly gone through with, the Mass is begun. its simultaneous celebration by Consecrat or and Bishop-elect betoken- ing the unity of their faith. "Immediately after the Gradual or Tract. the consecration ceremony be- gins. with the solemn announcement by the consecralor of the lawful duties of a Bishop. The different rites and prayers sufficiently indicate their pur- pose. The majesty of the plain chant in the Litanies. the \'eni Creator, and the preface is perhaps unsurpassed by any other portion of the liturgy. "The consecration ceremony proper being finished, the new Bishop is in- vested with the crosier and ring proper

to the prayers and admonitions accompanying the in- vesture clearly indicating their uses and purposes. ·'The .:\las,; proceeds with the con- ecrator and the ne" Bishop celebrat- ing in uni,on at the altar. After the Communion (the ne Bishop com- municating both of the Sacred Host and Precious Blood) the new Bishop receives the mitre and gloves, which ha,·e been solemnly blessed by the con- secrator. Then with the utmost pomp the new Bishop is enthroned on the Episcopal seat, while the magnificent 'Te Deum' is intoned." During this hymn, Bishop Buddy, together with the two co-consecrators, left the sanctuary and blessed mem- bers of his family, including his sis- ters, Sister Mary :l.fagdalyn, C.S.C., Su- perior of Sacred Heart Academy at Ogden, Ftah; Mrs. L. J. Dandurant, ::'lfrs. Daniel J. Redmond of Laurelton, Long Island; his brother, Dr. Edward I P. Buddy of St. Louis; Mrs. Buddy, their son and rwo daughters, Mr. Daniel J. Redmond and Miss Ann Elizabeth Dandurant. After bestowing his first Episcopal blessing on his relatives, Bishop Buddy went around the church bless- ing the entire congregation, among v.'hich "·ere many religious orders, in- cluding the Benedictine Sisters, mem- bers of the Precious Blood Order, Sis- ters of the Holv Ghost Community, Sisters of St. Joseph, Franciscan Sis- I ters, Felician Sisters and Sisters ' Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sister of the Holy Cross from Notre Dame Sisters of Charity from Leavenworth and other Communities within the dio I cese and from adjacent places. \ Following this, Bishop Buddy re- turned to the sanctuary, where he was given the Ids,; of peace by Bishop Le Blond and the ceremony ended, Father Buddy becoming a direct successor to the Apostles. a Prince of the Church/ and the .first Shepherd of the new See of Sau, Diego in California. the Episcopal Order,

On thp feast day of St. Thomas lhe ApOS[le, .:\Ionday, Dec. 21, 1936, St. Jo- seph's Cathedral. adorned in crim:on glory, sa\Y the consecration of the beloved pastor, Charles F. Buddy_ elvated to the crimson of the Episco- pate. Never has St. Jo~eph's stately Cathedral appeared so regal. In the arch above each marble side altar ap- peared a sheered rosette of crimson, upon which were mounted the coats of arms of the Papacy and Bishop Buddy, respectively. Crim on also were the . a tin drapes o\·er the tabernacle of the main altar; crimson, too, were the poinsettias banked above the tabernacle, betray- ing the near approach of the festal ,.;eason. Tall vases of American Beau- ties against a background of green palms completed the color scheme, which blended beautifully with the rich gold of the tabernacle, can- delabrum and the gold crests of the Bishops' thrones, one on the south of the sanctuary, occupied by His Grace Archbishop Glennon, and the other on the north side, by Bishop Le Dlond. Procession Starts Colorful was this beautiful setting, but perhaps more colorful was the I pageantry ot' the procession. All pha es of our Catholic life seemed represented. The modern Catholic I Youth Movement, in the military swing of the Boy Scouts carrying Papal and American flag , followed by the trim clad nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital School of ursing in spotless uniforms and caps with their crismon lined military capes of gray. Next came the Sacred Heart Convent girls, whose white caps and gowns were in strik- ing contrasts to the gray caps and gowns of the C. B. H. S. boys. Following these came the seminari- ans and clergy in black cassocks and white surplices. The modern note faded a,rny as the colorful scarlet of the ;\fonsignori made \my for the medieval splendor of the Princes of I the Church-Bishops and Archbishops, 1 he latter two, Bishop Le Blond and Archbishop Glennon, in cappa magna and ermine. with train-bearer~. Trumpeteers Trumpeteers heralded the approach of the pr~ression as it entered ,he portalR of I he Cathedral between a guard of honor of Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus in formal uni- form, \\·ith s1rnrd at salute. Entering the isanctuary, the vesting began. Officers of the Mass c·n11:-:e<·r.,1tor-TlH• .:\[osl Rev. C. H. L• nl<>nd. n.n. C'o-Cnnost•cratoros-The l\Iost Rev. Ger- ald n0rgan, n.D., Bishop of DPs )Ioines. and thf' :llost Rev. F. .T. :IIonaghan, Coadjutor Bishop of Ogd<'nsburg. H,·r111011-ThP )fn~t Rev. ,T. . l. GJc,nnon, n.J>...\r<'hhish op of St. Louis. Pr<-sbytpr .\ssistant-Th e \"pn· Rev. Basil Od<'rma lt. O.S. R., Conception, Mo., R0nder of llfandatP-The YPlT Rev. )l:111ric-e P. 't1onnor, S.T.T,. I ])Pacons of Ffonor-The Rev. J.•\.. !>Tuna~•. Ph.D.. D.D., Chicago, 111 .. and t11P Rt>v. D. P. )Tulcah~•. BrookfiPld. Mo. Deacon of thP )lass-The Rev. C. :lfarosz. O.M.C. Suh-deacon-The Rev. John F. Ban- non, S..J., St. Stanislaus :\'oYitiate, {'Jp1·eland, Ohio. :-rasters of C'Premonies-The Vf'ry RPv. :Msgr. Leo Binz, Ph.D., D.D., 'iVash- ing·ton, D. C., and the Rev. Leo J. 1 Ruggle. Assistant :-rasters of Ceremonies- The RPv. Patrick J. O'Connor. the Rev. C'ornelius Cleary, the Rev. Denis O'Duignan. the Rev. Michael J. O'RourkE- and the Rey. Charles S. Now- land. When all was ready, the Very Rev. M. F. Connor, mounting the pulpit, read the Papal Bulls in Latin and in English. Mw,,ic By Monks I Abbey at Conception sang the Greg- orian Mass. Dom Gregory, O.S.B., a\ musician of international note, pre- sided at the organ. The Benedictine Monks from the

invitations were sent to all member of the Cathedral Parish whose nam~s appeared on the Cathedral books. T de first three hundred of those respon t I ing to the invitation were also s:~h cards of admission, about one to e familv. The Cathedral Us~ers )1eldsf meeting Wednesday evenmg Ill . Charles Hall and comple!ed arr~nge~ \ ments for the Consecration C~1 emo . as well as for the Chnstmas ~:~ses. They will be assisted next Monday by a Guard of Honor from the i St Joseph Police Force as. well as.: G~ard of Honor from the Fi_re Dep~r - t It was decided at this meetmg :e~e~P the middle doors of the Catie- dral closed until the entrance of t -~ rocession. Those having cards "'.1 {e admitted at the side doo_rs begm- . t 8·15 The ushers will do the mug a · · ·ct for those best they can to prov1 e . oud ·wishing to see 1.he Consecration. hL . 11 speake;·s throughout the Clrnrc w1 extend to the front entrance so ~hat tl~ose outside, the weatehr perm1ttm~, can hear the sermon. In the proce sion will appear first Boy Scouts. the Nurses and graduate students o_f !he Sacred Heart Convent and. Chns.~~~ Brothers High School all m fo1 . 1 dress of cap and gown. Followmg 1 ··11 be seminarians and ;\fasters t 1ese ,\I ·"nors of Ceremonies, priests, mon. i,, . twenlv-eight Fourth Degree _Kmgh{~ ?f I' Columbus in full dress with batl r!c . and sword. the Bishops and rnir I chaplains. . 1_ _ _ .........1 ........... rnnr~_.,,,.,.._

Father Buddy. With His Chaplains. Leaving Rectory In Line o,f Procession to Church

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