New-Tech Europe | September 2016 | Digital Edition

Heavy Duty Connector Finished product

provides flexibility to build “your own solution”. Introducing variety of bodies support flexible number of pins, different housing shapes, implementing locking mechanism and use of different pins customer can build his own solution to fit his environment, product. The connectors housing, sealing and locking mechanism protect the connection from external influences such as mechanical shocks, foreign bodies, humidity, dust, water or other fluids such as cleansing and cooling agents , oils, etc. The degree of protection the housing offers is explained in the IEC 60 529, DIN EN 60 529, standards that categorize enclosures according to foreign body and water protection Code letters

In order to be used under explosion proof environment item should be design and certified to meet ATEC and or IECEX standard. Industry support variety of products that are certified for the appropriate standard already.

Heavy Duty connectors To address challenging environments and demanding applications and markets such as industrial Automation, Transportation, Robot, manufacturers lately introduced solution which

Internet-of-Things Board ARIS

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