1913 Bartenders' Manual (Bartenders Association of America)

PaulFuchs'HerbTea SPECIAL TEAS FOR Rheumatism, Gout, Diabetis, Gall Stones, Anaemia, Constipation, lndig;estion Eczema, Skin Diseases, etc.

PAUL FUCHSy Ghemisty SI'HCI.-tLTY Herb Tea for Curing all Diseases of the Blood OJlice ami Laboratorj- 1747 Carmen Ave., Chicago North Clark Street Cfir to Carmen Ave., two Blocks West URINE TEST FREE Tesitnionials of absolute cure furuished on application Onice Hours: ') A. M. to 2 E*. M., Saturdays and Sundays A. M. to .s l^. M . and Eveniny-s from g to m P. M. TELEPHONE RAVENSWOOD 7102

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