U Magazine, Summer 1987

Three cheers (and three commencements) for the Class of '87

M ostly cloudy skies cou ldn ·t dampen the cheery mood and ebullience that swept through Torero Stadium May 23 and 24 as some 1,250 students celebrated the annual rite ofgraduation during three sepa– rate outdoor commencement ceremon ies. Balloon bouquets, confetti and ear-to-ear smiles - from graduates and their proud admirers - were the order of the day. At the undergraduate ceremony, USD President Author E. Hughes described graduation as a b ittersweet time. ;Today it's a triumph for graduates, but it's also a pass– age. Today you begin life anew and on your own," he said. "Take time to appreciate the combined efforts of so many that brought us here today. " The School of Law awarded 260 degrees on May 23 , wh ile 250 graduate students from the Coll ege of Arts a nd Sciences and the schools of Business Admin is tration , Education and Nurs ing received diplomas during the morn ing of May 24. The weekend was capped with the May 24 under– graduate afternoon ceremony, at wh ich 740 students jo ined USD's alumni ranks . The new graduates boost the University's total alumni populat ion past the 18,000 mark. * * * * * Shopping center developer Ernest Hahn - best known locally for h is development of Horton Plaza and North County Fa ir in Escondido - received an honorary doctor of humane letters degree at the undergraduate ceremony. Ha hn , vice chairman of the Univers ity·s Board of Trus– tees. was honored for his ph ilanthropic and civic commit– ment to San Diego and for his incorporation of high ethical standards into both his personal and professional life. "His hallmark may bes t be seen in his own words. 'When I talk to young people... I talk about integrity, sincerity and moral ity. Those are our bas ic principles,.,. reads part of the citation presented to Hahn . In h is short address to the g raduates , Hahn u rged his * * * * *


Robert Blodgett

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