U Magazine, Summer 1987


JULY 6 - Creative Kids program. A program for kids in grades 17 two through seven devoted to helping students stretch their creative abilities. Classes include sessions in art, science, computers and math. $55 each class. 260-4585. 18 Alumni Association picnic. 1 p. m., west soccer fie ld . $6. 260-4819 20- Creative Kids program. See above for details. 31 260-4585 . 7 - University of the Third Age. A program of physical 23 exercise and classes for persons 55 and older. $55. 260-4585. 30 School of Law post-bar exam barbecue for a lumni and 1987 graduates. 6 p .m., School of Law patio. Free. Barbara Mendelson, 260-4692. AUGUST Alumni Association board of directors meeting. TBA. 10 Reception in San Francisco for School of Law alumni. Office of Hawkins and Newton. Free. Barbara Mendelson, 260-4692. 26 Soccer vs. Southern Cal College. 3 p .m ., soccer field . 31 Orientation Day for parents of new and freshman students. 260-4808. SEPTEMBER 2 Soccer vs.Cal State/Dominguez Hills. 3 p.m. , soccer field. 5 Soccer vs. University of Cali forn ia/Berkeley. 1 p .m ., soccer field. 8 Fall semester classes begin. 9 Soccer vs. Pomona Pitzer College. 3 :30 p .m., soccer field. 12 Soccer vs. Cal Poly Pomona. 1 p .m ., soccer field. 20 Soccervs. UniversityofNevada/LasVegas. 1 p.m. , soccer field. 21 Luncheon for School of Law a lumni in Century City/

state bar convention. Noon . Barbara Mendelson , 260-4692. 25 Men 's and women 's cross country vs. USIUU. TBA. Morley Field. 26 Men 's and women's cross country/Aztec Invitational. 9 a.m. , Balboa Park. Football vs. University of La Verne. 7 :30 p .m. , Torero Stadium. Fee. 30 Soccer vs. University of California/Irvine. 3 :30 p .m ., soccer field . OCTOBER 2 Men's and women 's cross country vs. Loyola Marymount University and Oxnard College. 4 p .m., Morley Field . 3 Football vs. Whittier College. 7:30p.m., Torero Stadium. Fee. 10 Football vs. Azusa Pac ific College. 7:30 p .m ., Torero Stadium. Fee Women's volleyball vs. Oral Roberts University. 7 :30 p.m. , Sports Center. 10- Parent's Weekend for parents of current students. 11 260-4808. 12 Women's volleyball vs. College ofWill iam and Mary. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. 15 Women 's volleyball vs. USF. 7:30 p.m., Sports Center. 17 Men·sand women·s cross country vs. UCSD. 10 a.m. ,UCSD. Football vs. Pomona-Pitzer College. 7:30 p.m.,Torero Stadium. Fee. 20 Women 's volleyball vs. USIU. 7 :30 p .m ., Sports Center. 21 Soccer vs . Biola College. 3 :30 p.m. , soccer field. 24 Soccervs . LoyolaMarymountUniversity. 1 p.m., soccer field. Women's volleyball vs. Santa Clara Univers ity. 7:30 p .m., Sports Center.

Boyd shares campus memories from the '60s (Continued from page 2) getting my degree in 1968 on campus for summer training and Sid cond ition that I complete summer Gilman·s troops carried it all away in school after the ceremonies for the their cleats.). .. final 3 units. In June 1962 I dropped out to get Naturally no one at the school married and work full-time at the remained that I had known 17 years San Diego Union newspaper in the before and I was greeted with skepti- photo lab. This was in the old cism as I asked for my long-awaited bu ilding downtown overlooking a diploma! I don't have his name in seedy Horton Plaza (which , my front ofme right now, but a gentle- daughter Amy tells me , has been man in Admissions or the Registrar's completely redone) . Office listened to my sketchy details I had my last contact with USO and agreed to do a little digging. The several years ago when I called to get computer stated that I had not a copy of my transcript. I a lso queried graduated and was short three about getting a diploma since I could credits. For 17 years , in a variety of not find mine anywhere and state jobs in California, Missouri, assumed I had never received it. Minnesota and now, Florida, I had I had returned to school in 1966 always stated I was USO '68 with a and, working full-time at the paper B.A. in English. nights and weekends , remembered He found my missing cred its by

doing a manual search, issued me the needed transcript and I now have my framed diploma hanging over my desk. It has been a wonderful experience sitting down and th inking about those days more than a quarter of a century ago. It was triggered by seeing a year-old alumni newsletter and Iwould request that I be added to the mail ing list. Also , if there is any interest in the 16 mm films I men– tioned to go into the archives or something, please contact me and we can make that happen. I truly regret that I had lost contact and missed the PKT reunion last year. If a ques– tionnaire was done by the parti– cipants, I would enjoy getting a copy of the compiled information. Sincerely, Charles Boyd '68


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