EMT Curriculum

1.14.D – Exposure Management

Objectives: Demonstrate the necessary steps to take to manage a potential exposure situation. (pp 40–42, Skill Drill 2-3) Demonstrate how to clean and disinfect the ambulance and equipment during the postrun phase. (pp 1345–1346) Identify appropriate protective gear to utilize in different patient care situations


- 1 N95 Respiratory per student - EMS Helmet - Turnout Coat - GLO-GERM PRODUCT & UV light - Bloodborne pathogens kit

Instructions to be read to students: “We are going to discuss personal protective gear for different situations.”

Precautions: Do not let the station deteriorate into chatter. Continue rotating them through one at a time until everyone has made the decision of what protective gear to use


Instructor: “What BSI equipment should we all be using on every call?” (Gloves)

Instructor: “What steps should tell us what PPE/BSI we will need on a call?”

(Checking scene for safety, the general impression of the patient)

Scenario 1: “Your situation is a 74 year old in a hospital with a diagnosed contact infection called C-Diff”

(Gloves, gown)

Scenario 2: “Your situation is a 18 year old unconscious on the ground not breathing”

(Gloves, CPR Mask if rescue breathing)

Scenario 3: “Your situation is a 22 year old unconscious on the ground – he has vomit in his mouth.”

(Gloves, faceshield due to suctioning need)

Scenario 4: “Your situation is a 52 year old with an uncontrolled arterial bleed of the arm”

(Gloves, faceshield , gown)

Scenario 5: “Your situation is a 6 month old with rash – the mother states her other children have the same rash”

(Gloves, gown)

Scenario 6: “Your situation is a 33 year old with shortness of breath


Scenario 7: “Your situation is a 23 year old trapped in a wrecked car. Rescue is cutting the vehicle”

(Gloves, Turnout gear, helmet, goggles)

Scenario 8: “Your situation is a 30 year old being extricated from his vehicle on the highway”

(Gloves, Reflective Vest due to being on the highway/street)

Scenario 9: “Your situation is a 48 year old with an active cough who has been diagnosed with Tuberculosis.”

(Gloves,N95 Respirator)


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