EMT Curriculum

2.03.D - CPAP

Equipment for this station: - Oxygen system: Oxygen tank, regulator, CPAP system - Good quality manikin such as AMBU PAL or RESUSCI ANNE

Precautions: Do not let the station deteriorate into chatter. Continue rotating them through assemblies until time is up.

Objectives: Demonstrate the use of CPAP. (pp 363–364, Skill Drill 9-9)

Setup: - The instructor or student can play the elderly patient. It may be useful for the instructor to demonstrate being the patient once so the students know what to do when it is their turn. - A child manikin can play the pediatric patient

Instructions to be read to students: “I am going to demonstrate assembling and administering CPAP.”

Please note the following:

- Demonstrate the assembly of the CPAP system in use. Do not take more than 5 minutes. Review indications and contra- indications for the device.

- Make sure students turn the gas on and check the device is administering before applying it to the manikin.

- Make sure students understand that the device only works if the seal is intact. Leaks will decrease CPAP efficiency, so the device must be on snugly. They should be looking at the device label to determine liter flow for that device, and to the gauge to determine how much PEEP they are actually delivering. They should be encouraged to use mask seal first and additional liter flow second to increase PEEP to the desired effect. - It is good practice to explain the device to the patient first, then hold it against their face to get them acclimated to it, then put the straps on once it is not so unfamiliar to the patient. - DO NOT let the students associate this device with a patient in respiratory failure or apnea. They should only be using this product when patients have respiratory distress.

- Students should reevaluate the patient’s breathing frequently, including:

Rate of respiration


Work of breathing


Breath sounds


Pulse oximetry


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