News Scrapbook 1971-02
T_H_E_S_A_N_D_I_EG_O_U_N_IO_N__ l_•1
Sun_day, October 31, 1_9_7I__________
Highlights of the month's fare in art, music and drama-the times, places and playbills.
• Victor Ales- sand r o con- ducts San An tonio Symphony, Civic Theater, 8: 15. • Pianist Conrad Bruder- er plays in Cen- tral Library,7 :30 Continuing: H,L,T.
rnational Company
itarist Carlos "",;.:;~:::---¥'. Civic Theater, f· f.!~arter opens The r youngsters, 2. each Town Council sponsors Humbug, Pacific Beach Junior High Auditorium, 2:30. • Casa de Aries opens Helmut Meier. Larry Jones paintings .•• Continuing H,L,P,R,T. Ac Mag1 • Paci 1 1c · sllc
ll Symphony opens heater with Peter ·30, also Friday.
e J!oar
an Antonio Symphony with llona!d plays ~or on1c Artists Series, Pil- , Escondido, 8. • Jew1s~ vommunity Center presents Peter Eros interviewed by Donald Dims. 8,30. • La Jolla Museum continues Museum Without Walls film series, 8. • Carrouse, Gallery opens Ann Knapton oils. Phil ~n
Crea en· t ..,.,,.u,-...11,·..,,J
rock, Sports ado Playhouse Adjustment,
Smell of the Los Angeles
an a e opens Marat- Sade. Dramatic Arts Theater, 8. • Palomar College opens Dark of the Moon, Drama Lab, 7 :30. • UCSD presents Bruce Liebig computer music seminar, Art Gal- lery, noon ..• Continuing: H,l,RJ.
S~oi.hlll!LIJ!la! et plays in San Diego State Montezuma Hall, 8. • Duo-organists Worth and Crow play for Brawley Community Concert Association, 8:15. • Studio 25 opens arts and crafts show ... Continuing: H,l,T.
830. • Actors Quarter· opens Born Yesterday, 8:30. • Jazz drummer Shelly Manne plays in Kearny High Auditorium, 8, for San Diego Evening College ... Contin- uing: H,L.R,T.
sior plays in brary, 7 :30. • liege open5 The
• Harpsichord- ist Elizabeth Salter plays with La Jolla Chamber Or- chestra, Sher- wood Hall, 8:30 ... Contin- uing, L,P,R,T.
plays Erick
ock in r Rod
d .Hoese, 8. • UCSD hrt thowning, Leland Smith in computer mus c seminar, Matthews Campus Recital Hall, noon, 830. • Orgar. st David Thorsen speaks on choral con ducting, First Presbyterian Church, 7 :3G ••• Contiruirg• L,T. pre~
Se an Hall, Southwestern conege, 8. • Mezzo Christine Krooskos, pianist lg• nace Hilsberg play in Mary Moore Gallery, 8. • USIU Elliott Campus opens You Can't Take It With You, 8 ... Cort1nuing: l,R,T. llf sp~ .
hwe College opens Most Happy Fella, Mayan Hall, 8. • La Jolla Art Association opens John Hooper oils. • Soul • wester~ Galiery cont•nues Helen Hery, Vers Mowbray oils a,~ enam•ls .•. Continu1ig: l,R,T.
• La Jolla Museum of Contempo- rary Art contrnues Museum With· out Walls t1lm series, Sherwood Hall, 8. • La Joi1a Art Association c ntinues Eleanor Hurst 01 s, Lawrence B ru II o watercolors.
• Leonard Ni- moy sta•s in Globe Man in the Glass Booth, opening at 8:30. • Pia- nist Robert Haffenden plays in Central Public Library, 7:30.
Fine Arts Gallery opens Color and Form, 1909-14 show including this 28½x21 ¼ inch Frank Kup- ka oil 'Notre Dame.' ••. Continuing: M,P.
lo di ~rart~ITTl~t Com- A ciation, tiool Aud ito-
Da gerlield ! · tre, 8. hvrch,
riu ateau Gallery continues San Dieguito Art Guild group show of seascapes. • Southwestern Gallery continues Emily Austin, laura Batt oils and m·xed media •• , Continuing: M. , .15.
, pre ent Dea th of the Bishop of Brindisi, 7:30. • 'lrgJn t Carlene Befort plays , Po J' Lol"a Metho~1't Church, 4. • Christina Krooskos sin1s in Jew r Ce• 1••, 8 ..• Cont nu ng: l,P,T.
concerts, Civic Theater, and noon. • Foothills Art Association continues Clara Deyo, Olive Mill- house Anderson show. • Athe- naeum continues Randolph Sage watercolors ... Continuing: M,P.
• La Jolla Museum o' Contempo- rary Art continues Museum With· out Walls film series, Sherwood, Hall, 8, with 'le Corbus1er' and 'The Gree Temple.' • Baritone Eu- gene Holmes
sings in P'lgrir1 Hali, Escono1do, for Philharmon- ic Art sts Asso- ciation, 8. • La Jolla Mu- seum continues film series. She•v,ooc tiall,8.
• San Diego Art Institute contin· ues show of L. T. Shackleford watercolors, Glenna East oils. • Chula Vista Art Guild opens all• member show ••. Contmumg: M,P.
• Pianist Harry Anderson plays in Central Public library, 7:30. • Central Public Library cortinues The Greatest Book in the World, disp1ay of Bibles .•. Con· tinuing: M.
• La Jolla Museum of Corte rary Art cont nues Thick and Thin show plus Earth: Animal, Vege- table and Mineral show •.• Con- trnuing, M.
• La Mesa Players open Don't Drink the Water, Ben Polak Fine Arts Center, 8:30 ... M,P.
• Thanksgiving Day •• Contin- uing, M.
Key to Continuing Performances • • •
H-Old Globe Theater 'Here Today' L-Off Broadway Theater 'Last of the Red Hot lovers' M-Old Globe Theater 'Man in the Glass Booth' P- Coronado Playhouse 'Period of Adjustment' R- USIU International Company 'Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd' T- Cassius Carter Center Stage 'Trial of the Catonsville Nine'
• Kesler Gallery contirues Suzy Spafford. Margaret Curtis show.
rn~ l O -t, -1 I
Dr. E.N. Morin chairs new USD f acuity senate /t7-.3/ "//
Clas have been m sesSJon srnce Sept 1 tr graduate and gniduate divisions of the university Em·ntltnen in both divisions is at a new high. Enrollment at the undergraduate level totals 1,471 ll and part-time students. while graduate level enrollment is 255. Law school enrc' 'llent is expected to exceed 800 students, according to the firs! issue of the law school newspaper Author E Hughf's, nPw president of the university, has es- tablished a pres;dent's student advisory committee. Dr.
s.iid u.~ ooard of trustees has approved a constitution for the senate, drawn up by members of the new body. Elected chairman of the faculty senate was Dr. Ernest N. Morin, chairman of USD's political science department, and the Rev. William L. Shipley is to serve as vice
chairman, while Dr. Patricia Watson is to be the secretary. "The purpose of the !acuity senate," Morin said, "is to unify the voice of the faculty and lo promote the goals of the university in the academic world as in the community at large." All fulltime members of the USD faculty are, by virtue of their appointments with the university, members of the senate, Morin said. The Rev. Shipley is chairman of the university's philosophy department, and Dr. Watson is presently director of the Educa tiona 1 Development Center at USD.
Hughes said he organized the committee to keep him in- formed of the opinions and needs of the student body. MECHA, the Mexican- American student associ- ation, is conducting a drive to collect food for striking mem- bers of the United Farm Workers Organizing Com- mittee. Collection stations have been set up at various locations on campus. Anthony McElroy. a senior majoring in accounting, has received a $500 scholarship from the National Accounting Assn. It was awarded on the basis of his outstanding scho- lastic record. A series of lecture5 entitled - -.....------- ... ponsored by the Road, San Diego. Heidi An- • derson, 5737 Mildred St., San Diego, received a junior year • traineeship stipend of $300, A fellowship was also to Diana Craft of Florida and senior year traineeships were granted to Katherine Roach of Redondo granted •
University of San Diego has formed its first faculty senate since the College for Men and the College [or Women combined at the start of the 1970 school year Dr. Author E. Hughes, who assumed the presidency of USD in August, made the announcement Thursday. He
10 31-'ll 'Lovers''Due · At USO Friday "Lovers," Brian Friel's dramatic score card of v.ins and losses in the romantic game, will open Friday in the University of San Diego Cam- ino Hall Theater. The production, to be di- rected by Kathleen Zaworski o[ the USD drama faculty, will play at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Nov. 12, The winners in "Lovers" - Mag, a lively young grrl looking forward to marriage, and Joe, a &erious, 17-year-old - will be played by Loyola Dillon and Steve Evatt. The losers - Hannah, a 40- year.old woman desperate to be married. and Andy, an agerng candidate for the Lonely llearts Club - will be portra) ed by Deirdre Kenne- ly and Ron Smedly. Com- entators for the play will be Sir! Moriartz and John Gal- letta.____
ESTEB-A. • Rt; '>\LC \ BA
t'1e Now Crisis," will be · n b~ginnlng Oct. 21.
USO students receive grants
n_ts at the University of· D1~0 have been awafded
fellowships arxl to support education of ulllDJr
nt the
21,500 federal
I t t • ,.
the mentally
retarded. Receiving fellowships are Peter E. Pitard, 7250 Magruder, La Mesa, and Prtri<;:a Fanner, sm Ward ~- /O,'/,?/
Stuyvesant of Maryland.
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