mAximAl minimum | madrid, spain | Dos- masuno Arquitectos | 102 Dwellings | pho- tos by miguel de guzm á n + dosmasuno | text by eugenia bakhturova Whatever the city development plan pre- scribes, buildings should have their own faces. This is the only way they will be able to devel- op efficiently and logically, without going out of use and being forgotten in several years. This aspect is just crucial for residential hous- es that are built to be used for a long time. The building in Carabanchel – one of the districts of Madrid – is also located almost at the out- skirts of the city, connecting the district with a large park. In fact, the object could not re- ally be called a building: according to the in- itial project there should have been separate dwellings, but to create as little problems for people going to the park the buildings were concentrated, built along one line and unit- ed by common walls, common orientation and shared courtyard. The architects say that the main concept that the project was based on can be con- tained in the phrase «a minimal nucleus +

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