1934 The bon Vivant's Companion (7th printing 1934) by Jerry Thomas




Six bottles of claret. One-half pint of green tea. Six bottles of soda water. Juice of three lemons. One bottle of brandy. One-half of a pineapple cut One bottle of sherry. up in small pieces. Sweeten with white sugar to taste. Strain a bottle immedi ately. Keep for one month before using. This is a delicious and safe drink for a mixed evening party. Cool before serving.



Two quarts of rye whiskey. One pineapple, sliced. One pint of Jamaica rum. Four quarts of water. Six lemons, sliced. Sweeten to taste, and ice.

** *49'**


For a party of five

One bottle of champagne. Two tablespoonfuls of paw- Two bottles of soda water. dered sugar. One liqueur glass of cura- One slice of pineapple, cut gao. up. Put all the ingredients together in a small punch bowl, mix well,ice and serve in champagne goblets. 27

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