1934 The bon Vivant's Companion (7th printing 1934) by Jerry Thomas

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Fancy Drinks The joUowing miscellaneous collection of fancy bever ages embraces a number of French, Spanish, English, Rus sian, Italian, German and American recipes. Many of them are rather troublesome to prepare, and some of them, which we have tried, have not yielded the satisfaction expected or desired.

...II8 ... POUSSE l'amour Use a sherry glass

Sufficient vanilla cordial to surround the egg. One tablespoonful of fine old brandy.

One-half glass of mara schino. Yolk of one egg.

First, pour in the maraschino, then introduce the yolk with a spoon, without disturbing the maraschino, next carefully surround the egg with vanilla cordial, and lastly put the brandy on top. Inmaking a pousse of any kind the greatest care should be observed to keep all the ingredients composing it sepa rate. This may best be accomplished by pouring the different materials from a sherry wine glass. It requires a steady hand and careful manipulation to succeed inmaking a perfect pousse. 64

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