for courage and domination, the lion is a symbolic motif in the Bible and also appears in many folktales, including Aesop’s fables. The lion’s designation as the King of Beasts can be traced back to writings from the first century of the Christian era. Lions frequently figured in the heraldic devices and coats of arms of medieval nobility and were elements in the royal family crests of kingdoms such as England, Scotland, Denmark, Norway, and Belgium. Richard I, the 12th-century English king and veteran of the Crusades to the Holy Land was hailed throughout Europe as Richard Coeur de Lion, or Richard the Lion- Hearted, for his bravery in battle. In various parts of Asia, the lion was frequently depicted as a symbol of power and strength—even in China, to which it is not indigenous. Down through the ages the raw and savage power of lions has been exploited in the presen- tation of spectacles such as the wild animal fights in the Roman arena, where their feroc- ity was unleashed on unarmed men and

women for the delight of cheering crowds. In recent times and up to the present, these big cats and others have added a sense of danger to the performances of lion tamers, who are star attractions in circuses around the world. Not content with vicarious thrills, the big game hunters of the recent past sought an almost visceral excitement in confronting such a fierce beast as the lion and becoming its victor. For almost a century, lion hunting on safari conferred status and prestige to those who could afford it and, in an almost magical way, endowed the conquering, gun-bearing hunter with the very attributes of strength and courage that the lion was believed to possess. Yet, for all the inferred symbolism and self- projection by humans, the reality of the lion’s life and behavior is even more intriguing than the mythology it has inspired. Obser- vation and study of this animal reveals its place in the natural order and encourages closer examination of the intricate web of life to which we belong.

Lionesses can be caring mothers, guarding their cubs in infancy, entertaining them with play, and finally, teaching them to hunt and provide for themselves.

As he yawns in the afternoon sun, this male lion, with his thick-maned head and fearsome teeth, shows clearly why he is regarded as the King of Beasts.


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