
28 North American Natural Resources: Timber and Forest Products

The opossum is the only marsupial in North America.

animal a person may kill on a given hunt, and a maximum number that one hunter may kill each year. This helps control the population of the animal and also helps to manage the other natural resources in the forest. Most game is hunted only during a particular season, to ensure the cycle of life is not disrupted and the population of the animal is not too greatly affected. Other, smaller animals can be trapped for their fur, such as raccoons, foxes, weasels, and opossums. Others are trapped for perfume. Believe it or not, a certain part of a wild beaver, called a castor, is used to make perfume. Animals are also trapped if they are considered to be pests. Foxes, beavers, bobcats, and raccoons can all do damage to crops, households, livestock, and property. One way to control those pests is to trap the animals. Those wishing to trap animals, for any reason, need to secure the proper permits and licenses from their state or local government. Forests are home to some of the most beautiful and biologically rich bodies of water. Lakes, streams, ponds, and rivers all dot the forests of North America. Those wishing to fish in these waters must obtain a fishing license from their state or local government. (For more on water resources, see Marine Resources and Freshwater Resources , two of the volumes in this set.)

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