
45 Chapter 4: Forest Management

Aerial view of a forest near Snow Shoe, Pennsylvania. The brown spots are trees whose leaves have been completely consumed by gypsy moths.

Early detection is successful when many people (land owners, farmers, hikers, and others) know how to identify the invasive species and alert the proper authorities. Educational programs and literature about these species is a vital first step to controlling a potentially devastating problem. Once an invasive species has been identified, a combination of approaches to prevent and control the spread of the intruder is most effective. The species may be physically removed from the site. Pesticides or insecticides may be used. Reintroducing native species into the area can be effective as well. Another approach is to use biological controls. This means that natural predators are introduced into the area to control the nonnative species. This overall approach of using different methods to control and manage a pest is called an integrated pest management (IPM) plan.

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