WilliamMason Named after one of the founding fathers of Mason Cash, the WilliamMason Collection features a distinctive, embossed finish in soft neutral colours to create a timeless, elegant look that suits both classic or contemporary kitchens. At the heart of each collection is an original shape mixing bowl given the modern twist to ensure that it sits proudly on the kitchen countertop alongside storage and utensil jars, ensuring it remains an icon for generations to come. The range features stunning dinnerware and serveware with stylish coupe edges that can be mixed and matched for formal or relaxed dining. The durable ceramics used are dishwasher and microwave safe and are chip-resistant to withstand the rigours of everyday use.

Kids Ranges From first-stage toddler cutlery, to our infant collection and finally our junior items we have every piece needed to get children feeding themselves independently with Viners.

Spotted Spring 2019


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