Hi Ladies:

In front of the fireplace Sandi Stroh has boxes for our summer fun raiser with a list of items that are needed. Please help make the ALGONAC Food Pantry donations a big success. Ladies Week was a lot of fun and the food was great. Judy did a great job cooking and the crafts and wine tasting party with all the vendors was also very nice. Thanks again, Judy and Nancy, for a great week. The wreath above the fireplace was one of the beautiful wreaths made. Labor Day Dinner is Sunday, September 3rd. It will be managed by Debbie Siwek who will be in charge of the main dish, and the Board members have signed up to provide side dishes. Join us for a great dinner. Past President Mary Marini will have the Nominating Committee. See enclosed letter from her. Our Christmas Party is at Avante inClinton Township on Tuesday, December 5th, with Sue Brooks in charge of this event. Anyone interested in donating anything for her raffles, please let her know. There will also be a charitable fund raiser that night. More details to follow. Don't forget to shop and browse our Boatique. Jill has it well stocked and we would love to restock it due to an abundance sales. Hope to see you all at the club this summer. Respectfully, Colleen Braun 2017 First Mates Publicity Director

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