Prospectus 2024

Hennessy Catholic College Uniform S Proof by: S DESIGN & PRINT Hennessy Catholic College Uniform

Junior Girls Uniform: Years 7 - 10

Winter Uniform (Terms 2 & 3)  School blue blouse with navy piping and official College crest.

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 & 4)  School blue blouse with navy piping and official College crest.

 Navy cross over tie or navy College tie  Navy skirt (standard length to knee), or  Midford navy trousers  Navy school jumper with official College crest  Navy Jacket (no logos or added colours)  Navy stockings  College beanie  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes  Plain navy scarf (optional)

 Navy skirt (standard length to knee)  College navy shorts or navy trousers.  Plain white school socks (above ankles)  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes

Junior Boys Uniform: Years 7 - 10

Winter Uniform (Terms 2 & 3)  Midford school blue shirt (short or long sleeve) with official College crest  Junior tie: (royal blue with gold stripes)  College navy trousers.  Plain black belt (for belt loop trousers)  Navy school jumper with official College crest  Navy Jacket (no logos or added colours)  Plain navy fold over socks to cover ankles (not long socks).  College beanie  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes  Plain navy scarf (optional) Winter Uniform (Terms 2 & 3)  White blouse with navy piping and official College crest  Navy cross over tie or navy College tie  Navy skirt (standard length to knee), or  Midford navy trousers  Navy school jumper with official College crest  Navy Jacket (no logos or added colours)  Navy stockings  College beanie  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes  Plain navy scarf (optional)

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 & 4)  Midford school blue shirt (short sleeve) with official College crest.  College navy shorts or slacks.  Plain black belt (with trousers)  Plain navy school socks (above ankles)  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes

Senior Girls Uniform: Years 11 - 12

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 & 4)  White blouse with navy piping and official College crest  Navy skirt (standard length to knee)  College navy shorts or navy trousers.  Plain white school socks (above ankles)  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes

Senior Boys Uniform: Years 11 - 12

Winter Uniform (Terms 2 & 3)

Summer Uniform (Terms 1 & 4)

 White shirt with official College crest  Navy senior tie  College navy trousers.  Plain black belt  Navy school jumper with official College crest  Navy Jacket (no logos or added colours)  Plain navy socks (above ankles)  College beanie  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes  Plain navy scarf (optional)

 White shirt with official College crest  Navy shorts or navy trousers.  Plain black belt (with trousers)  Plain navy school socks (above ankles)  Black polishable lace-up leather school shoes

Sports Uniform

Sports uniform can be worn to school on Thursdays . All other days i f students have practical PDHPE or Sport , they must change into their complete sports uniform as required. Otherwise, normal school uniform must be worn to school. Normal school uniform must be worn to College masses.

 Hennessy Sports shirt with official College crest  Royal blue unisex shorts  Hennessy royal blue tracksuit pants  Hennessy navy hooded top  White sports socks  Joggers with grip and arch support  College hat

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