Prospectus 2024

Learn Dynamically...

H ennessyCatholicCollege has a culture of improvement, high academic expectations and a comprehensive teaching and learning cycle. Hennessy students can expect 5 quality lessons every day and teachers aspire to

maximise student outcomes. The College offers a wide range of subjects and experiences for all students. The skills and knowledge, which our students acquire, enable them to engage in their community both locally and globally.

Our teachers are highly skilled professionals who recognise that students have a wide variety of interests, talents and skills; they work hard to meet the needs of all students in a dynamic classroom setting.

Hennessy has a strong culture of continuous

improvement for all students and utilises the latest research into teaching and learning to support our academic program. We have a BYOD program across the school. We utilise several online learning platforms to maximise literacy and numeracy. Our continuous assessment model in Years 7-10, engages students actively in their learning. NAPLAN and PAT testing results demonstrate over time that this program is enhancing student outcomes. The College offers many opportunities for students to utilise technology to support their learning including the use of virtual reality in French and STEM. Co curricular opportunities such as engineering, STEM and debating enrich the students' experiences. Students are supported academically with Google Classroom, a variety of online platforms, after school study options in the library and careers advice. We have vocational education and training offerings and partnerships with local businesses, TAFE and industry to assist students to find a pathway post school. O ur HSC academic record is exceptional. Our students excel academically and achieve results which enable them to attract offers from Australia's top universities

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