U Magazine, Winter 1988
"Iam a 60s idealist, but as I try to figure outmy attitudes, really, I guess, they comefrom my religious roots," he explains, which makes him right at homeat USD.
Smiling, he reca ll s, "I even voced for Barry Goldwacer . .. My friends in college kepc asking me why I was pre– rending co be a Republican ." Afcer his junior year ac Washingcon Scace, he married Georgia, his high school sweechearc. They have been married for 22 years. She is head of cechnical services ac che USO law library. For more chan cen years, he worked in che business world as a personnel manager. He has caughc personnel management in college since 1972 , joining USD's faculcy in 1978. Ac USO, Dr. Briscoe has perceived a dramacic rise in scudent volunteerism in che pasc cwo years. "I'm seeing evidence char suggescs our scudents are a loc more open co idealism; volunteerism. "For a Sixcies idealise like myself, che face char a loc of scudents are interesced in volunteer work - chac's near." Bue Dr. Briscoe is nor sacisfied with just che increase in interesc and concern wich social issues. "We have co gee more of our scudents willing co spend the rime co help our," he exp lains. "Maybe che (Social Issues) commi[[ee has co creace more opporcunicy. "The commic– cee also has co continue co ace as facilita– cors, for boch students and faculcy." He credics che commi[[ee for raising che social awareness of che scudent body "by a considerable margin ." And he praises che USO administracion for ics direcc support of che social issues program . "We have co chank Siscer Furay for her vision in hiringJudy Rauner. Judy is probably the best in che councry for organizing vo lunteer programs . . . "Because ofJudy, chere has been a dramacic rise in scudent volunteers. And, she has been very good in ge[[ing che faculcy and scudents co interacc on these issues." That's Dennis Briscoe. A leader in USD's social awareness campaign. D
Dr. Patrick Dri11a11
PatDrinan: He heeds call to action "Ni11etypercent oflife is showing up." -Woody Allen P acrick Orinan's favorice quote
An accive member of ac lease seven key faculcy comminees, Dr. Ori nan has been chairman of the policical science deparcment since he came co USO in 1981. He chaired che faculcy Senate from 1983-86. And chac's nor counting his oucside accivicies. He is a pasc president of the local chapter of the World Affairs Coun– cil, still sits on its board of direccors and is on the program and nominating com– mittees of that organization. Dr. Ori nan also is active in the
reveals quite a bit abouc the pop– ular USO policical science
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