U Magazine, Winter 1988
UMagazine Editor
John Sutherland Director of Public Relations Charles Reilly Photography Ken Jacques '78 Pablo Mason ContributingWriters Die Doumanian Ted Gosen Shirley Hulett Rosemary (Masterson '70) Johnston John Nunes C lare White '80 Editorial Board Dr. Eren Branch Ted Gosen Joan Murry '87 (MBA) John Nunes Maureen Phalen '76 Charles Rei lly Clare White '80 USO President Dr. Au thor E. Hughes Vice President for University Relations John G. McNamara On the cover: Dr. Joan Anderson , associate professor of economics and a member of USD's Social Issues Committee. Photo by Pablo Mason U Magazine is published four times annuallv (Fall. Winter. Spring, Summer) by ;he University of San Diego for its alumni. parents and friends. Editorial offices are located in DeSalcs Hall. Room 274, USO, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92 110. Telephone (6 19) 260-4684. Copyright 1987 by the University of San Diego. Reproduction in whole or in pan without permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego, CA 92 110. Unsolicited manuscripts should include a stamped, self– addressed envelope. Opinions expressed in U Magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the vie\\·s of the Universitv administration. All materials sub~ined are subject to editing. Postmaster: Send address changes to U, Universitv of San Diego, Publications Office, Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Member, Council for the Advancement and Suppon of Education (CASE).
Wimer 1988 Vol. 3, No. 2
Probing USD's social consciousness By John L. Nunes
A team of USO faculty and students have worked hard the past three years to focus campus attention on issues like peace, economic justice, freed om and racial equality. Just who are some of these committed individuals, and why are they crying to influence others?
13 She'll bring love andfaithto hurting nation By John Sutherland
Sr. Virginia McMonagle is planning to give up her comfortable life at Alcala Park and exchange it for a world of uncertainty in Haiti.
Secrets of good teaching The University's top priority is good teaching. A professor and one of his former students share the ir insights into what makes teaching work.
Class Notes Upcoming
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Alcala Park Alcala Park Spores Alumni Potpourri
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