Alcalá View 1998 15.4

In Search of USD Memories Everyone has a favor ite memory of h is or her time at USD. As the university cele- brates its 50th anniversary in 1999, we'd like you to share that memory. A special supp lement, to be published in the San Diego Union-Tribune in February, wi ll high - light USD's past and future. Anecdo tes from alumni, fac ulty, staff and administrators will run throughout the special section .

University Ministry Events Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, 8 p.m., Dec. 13, in UC Forum AB. Bible Study, 12:10 to 12:50 p.m., every Tuesday, in Warren Hall 201 . Daily Masses at Founders Chapel , 7 a.m., Monday through Saturday; 12:10 p.m., Monday through Friday; 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Sunday Masses at Founders Chapel , 7 and 9 p.m. New Hires and Promotions Welcome to the following employees who recently joined the USD community: Karen Lese, counsel ing cen- ter; Mark Ludwig , law school career services; John Titchen, publ ications; Elisa Weichel, Center for Public Interest Law; Salvatore Crivello Jr. , development; Linda Esparza, Traditions; Orlando Menezes, registrar; and Debbie Solomon , School of Law. Congratulations to Juan Carlos Rivera , who was recent- ly promoted to assistant chef in dining services. Passages Retired Kay Brown, administrative assistant 2 in housing, on Nov. 6, after 12 years. Married Liza Gough , campus sched- uling coordinator, to Todd Peterson on Oct. 24. Deaths Phyllis Janus, mother-in- law of Nona Janus, banquets and catering manager, on Oct. 26. Father Vincent Walsh, asso- ciate chaplain in university ministry during the 1997-98 academic year, on Oct. 29. Sanjuana Estrada, sister of Maria Estrada, administrative assistant in the registrar's office, on Nov. 5. Mary T. Karlinger, mother of M.T. Karlinger, unit leader in the Marketplace and Deli , on Nov. 6.

Please take a moment to recall your favor ite memory in 100 words or less. We'll publ ish as many as poss ible in the supple- ment. Include your name, address, phone number, title at USD and number of years you've worked here. Fax your memory to Liz Harman , director of the news bureau, at ext. 6820 or ma il it to Maher Hall 274. If you wish to use e-mail, send the entry to harman . The memories are due by Dec. 31 . For more info rmation, call ext. 4682.

Remember USD B.C .? Before cons truction of Colachis Plaza , Hughes Center and the Mission Parking Com/Jlex? So many changes, so many memories - take a moment to write down your fondes t memory and send it to the news bureau . New Officers Poised for Service Election of new Staff Employees Asso- T he advisory group also sugges ted a study c iation officers ended with votes in favor of of tuition money that is lost due to dropped Dave Edgar, pres ident; John Frazer, vice classes would help determine if any employ- president; Becky Gilbert, secretary; and ees or dependents are consistently signing Joan Wolf, treasurer. The new officers will up fo r classes , getting the academic fees take over at the Jan . 13 SEA mee ting. paid , and then dropping. If classes are T 't' R · · PMP dropped, the tuition remiss ion money is not m 10n em1ss1on, . d and Sick Leave on the Table repai · Tl H R Ad . Gilbert also reported at the November 1e new uman esources v1sory C . . d d· b SEA meetmg that committee members con - omm1ttee m1t1ate a 1scuss1on a out 'd d l l d • tuition remiss ion, the SE~ASL ere a p an to 1ave al m11~ Performance Man - 1strators eva uate · · • : • • ' through the Perfor- agement Program and mance Managemen t paid tune off at a recent meet- Program, and started pre- ing, reported Becky Gilbert, SEA represen - tative to the committee. liminary discuss ion of replacing sick leave with pa id t ime off. T he committee is considering pro longing Emp loyees with concerns or questions the tuition remiss ion eligibility pe riod for they would like forwarded to the HR com- dependents from two years to three years as mittee should contact the representative for a way to free up funds fo r employees to the ir area (human resources has the list of attend summer school. In recent years, allot-

committee members, which also was pub- lished in the November issue of the Alcala View ). (Continued on /Jage four)

ted tu ition remiss ion monies have been completely used up during the regular semesters.

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