IIW 2014 Annual Report


COMMISSION VI: TERMINOLOGY Vice-Chair: Ms Sheila Thomas (United Kingdom) Sub-Commissions and Working Groups: WG-1 IIW Thesaurus Chair: Ms Sheila Thomas (United Kingdom)

Commission VI is responsible for the deve- lopment, collection and maintenance of welding terminology using modern compu ter database software, with capability for multiple languages. Terminology is obtai- ned from existing international, regional and national standards in order to avoid duplication of work, and is made available in print or electronic media.

Chair: Dr. H. Glenn Ziegenfuss United States


Health, Safety and Environment are conside- red key issues for the international welding community; hence the reason why Commis- sion VIII was created since the foundation of IIW in 1948 and particularly relevant: • To act as interdisciplinary network for the exchange of knowledge in the field of Health and Safety in welding. • To regularly review the general trends in the exposure to physical and chemical agents which may affect Health and Safety in welding. • To share information on national laws, rules and regulations related to Health, Safety and Environment in welding

which may potentially affect the health and safety of welders and the environment, as well as to the development of technical guidance for the correct management of the fabrication process. To reach this ambitious goal, members have a wide range of expertise, including medicine, epidemiology, chemistry, welding science and technology. Consequently, the Commission also acts as an international forum for exchange of high level knowledge with the support of members coming from all the areas of the world, including Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia. The Commission’s activities include standardi- zation, production of Best Practices and IIW statements on specific matters (e.g. IIW Sta- tement on Lung Cancer and Arc Welding in 2011), as well as the review of international research and national regulations on the res- pective issues.

Acting Chair: MD PhD Wolfgang Zschiesche Germany

• To develop best practices for the management of Health, Safety and Environment in welding.

The Commission is mainly devoted to the study of the phenomena occurring during welding

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